[PDF][PDF] Trichoderma asperellum (NST-009): A potential native antagonistic fungus to control Cercospora leaf spot and promote the growth of 'Green Oak'lettuce …

A Promwee, W Intana - Plant Protection Science, 2022 - researchgate.net
Leaf spot caused by Cercospora lactucae-sativae is one of the most damaging diseases of
'Green Oak'lettuce in Thailand. This study was conducted to estimate the effectiveness of …

[HTML][HTML] Ecofriendly management of Cercospora leaf spot, Cercospora coffeicola (Berk & MA Curtis) disease of coffee in Gulmi

S Bhandari, S Nepal, R Banstola… - Russian Journal of …, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
Cercospora disease is a very important disease of Coffee which results in yield loss and
damage to the nursery plants in early stage of growth and later emerges a brown eye spot …

[PDF][PDF] UmTricho” a liquid bioformulation of indigenous strain of Trichoderma harzianum effectively managed the tikka disease (Cercospora spp.) of groundnut, Arachis …

P Dutta, L Deb, J Gogoi, M Mahanta, A Kumari… - Biol. forum-an …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Groundnut (Arachis hypogea L., Fam: Fabaceae), an important annual leguminous and
oilseed crop grown in an area of 7.78 m ha with an average production and productivity of …

Productivity, White Rust and Alternaria Blight of Indian Mustard Influenced by Chemical Fungicide Seed Treatment under Humid Southeastern Agro-climatic Zone of …

G Gupta, S Gauttam, SK Meena… - Current Journal of …, 2023 - science.sdpublishers.org
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different chemical fungicides
application as seed treatment on growth, plant attributes and grain yields and incidence of …

Effect of phyto-extracts of neem (Azadirachta indica) and garlic (Allium sativum) on leaf spot disease of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

AH Chotangui, M Betigne, MS Mandou… - Open …, 2020 - degruyter.com
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of aqueous and ethanolic extracts
of neem (Azadirachta indica A. JUSS) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) against Cercospora leaf …

Evaluation of botanicals to manage leaf spots (Passalora arachidicola and passalora personatum) of groundnut (arachis hypogaea L.) in zoba hamelmalo region of …

SDY Naqvi, A Fitsum, Y Habte… - … Science Digest-A …, 2021 - indianjournals.com
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is grown globally and it is affected by many widespread
diseases and infestations in all the groundnut growing areas. In Eritrea, leaf spot diseases …

Control of thrips ('Enneothrips flavens' Moulton.) with synthetic and biological insecticides in different peanut genotypes

MD Michelotto, WC Carrega, MZ Pirotta… - Australian Journal of …, 2019 - search.informit.org
In peanut, pests are controlled by application of insecticides throughout the crop cycle,
boosting production costs. This study compared the control of thrips ('Enneotrhips flavens' …


CS Sitompul, T Pamekas… - Prosiding Seminar …, 2024 - semnas.bpfp-unib.com
Leaf spot disease is a disease that reduces the yield of peanuts and disrupts plant growth.
This study aims to determine the incidence of leaf spot disease (Cercospora sp.) on 6 …

[PDF][PDF] Incidence of Early and Late Leaf spots Disease and Agronomic Performance of some Selected Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Cultivars in Makurdi, Benue …

RI Bwala, ZH Mohammed, UM Maina, SS Gaya… - Sch J Agric Vet …, 2022 - academia.edu
Field experiment was conducted in 2013 and 2014 cropping seasons at the Teaching and
Research Farm of the Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi, Benue State of Nigeria to …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Botanicals against Tikka Leaf Spot Disease (Cercospora arachidicola, Cercospora personatum) of Groundnut (Arachis …

ST Prasanna, S Simon, AA Lal - academia.edu
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important oilseed crop in India. It is susceptible from
many diseases, tikka disease is one of them. Tikka disease is due to Cercospora …