Blindsight: eyes-free access to mobile phones

KA Li, P Baudisch, K Hinckley - … of the SIGCHI conference on Human …, 2008 -
Many mobile phones integrate services such as personal calendars. Given the social nature
of the stored data, however, users often need to access such information as part of a phone …

Socio-technical lifelogging: Deriving design principles for a future proof digital past

S Whittaker, V Kalnikaitė, D Petrelli… - Human–Computer …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Lifelogging is a technically inspired approach that attempts to address the problem of human
forgetting by developing systems that “record everything.” Uptake of lifelogging systems has …

[图书][B] Methods for mining and summarizing text conversations

G Carenini, R Ng, G Murray - 2011 -
Due to the Internet Revolution, human conversational data--in written forms--are
accumulating at a phenomenal rate. At the same time, improvements in speech technology …

[PDF][PDF] A critical reassessment of evaluation baselines for speech summarization

G Penn, X Zhu - Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, 2008 -
We assess the current state of the art in speech summarization, by comparing a typical
summarizer on two different domains: lecture data and the SWITCHBOARD corpus. Our …

Markup as you talk: establishing effective memory cues while still contributing to a meeting

V Kalnikaitė, P Ehlen, S Whittaker - … of the ACM 2012 conference on …, 2012 -
Meeting participants can experience cognitive overload when they need both to verbally
contribute to ongoing discussion while simultaneously creating notes to promote later recall …

Fast or safe? How performance objectives determine modality output choices while interacting on the move

DP Brumby, SCE Davies, CP Janssen… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 -
In-car devices that use audio output have been shown to be less distracting than traditional
graphical user interfaces, but can be cumbersome and slow to use. In this paper, we report …

Intelligibility of time-compressed speech: The effect of uniform versus non-uniform time-compression algorithms

A Schlueter, U Lemke, B Kollmeier… - The Journal of the …, 2014 -
For assessing hearing aid algorithms, a method is sought to shift the threshold of a speech-
in-noise test to (mostly positive) signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) that allow discrimination …

Social summarization: Does social feedback improve access to speech data?

V Kalnikaité, S Whittaker - Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on …, 2008 -
We extend the notion of social tagging to construct social summaries of complex multimedia
materials. Our system allows students to apply time-indexed multimedia tags such as …

Cued retrieval of personal memories of social interactions

SA Bahrainian, F Crestani - Proceedings of the first Workshop on …, 2016 -
This paper aims at developing a social interactions summarizer system that firstly
summarizes a person's daily social interactions, with the purpose of enhancing his episodic …

[PDF][PDF] Using speech-specific characteristics for automatic speech summarization

G Murray - Diss. Citeseer, 2008 -
In this thesis we address the challenge of automatically summarizing spontaneous, multi-
party spoken dialogues. The experimental hypothesis is that it is advantageous when …