Discreteness of the spectrum of the compactified D= 11 supermembrane with nontrivial winding

L Boulton, MPG del Moral, A Restuccia - Nuclear Physics B, 2003 - Elsevier
We analyze the Hamiltonian of the compactified D= 11 supermembrane with nontrivial
central charge in terms of the matrix model constructed in [Phys. Rev. D 66 (2002) 045023 …

Fluxes, twisted tori, monodromy and U (1) supermembranes

MP del Moral, CL Heras, P Leon, JM Pena… - Journal of High Energy …, 2020 - Springer
A bstract We show that the D= 11 supermembrane theory (M2-brane) compactified on a M
9× T 2 target space, with constant fluxes C±naturally incorporates the geometrical structure …

Geodesic analysis and black hole shadows on a general non-extremal rotating black hole in five-dimensional gauged supergravity

E Contreras, Á Rincón, G Panotopoulos, P Bargueno - Annals of Physics, 2021 - Elsevier
In this work, motivated by the fact that higher dimensional theories predict the existence of
black holes which differ from their four dimensional counterpart, we analyse the geodesics …

Spectrum of a noncommutative formulation of the supermembrane with winding

MPG del Moral, A Restuccia - Physical Review D, 2002 - APS
A regularized model of a noncommutative formulation of the double compactified D= 11
supermembrane with nontrivial winding in terms of SU (N) valued maps is obtained. The …

[HTML][HTML] M2-branes on a constant flux background

MPG Del Moral, C Las Heras, P Leon, JM Pena… - Physics Letters B, 2019 - Elsevier
We describe a compactified Supermembrane, or M2-brane, with 2-form fluxes generated by
constant three-forms that are turned on a 2-torus of the target space M 9× T 2. We compare …

SL (2, Z) symmetries, supermembranes and symplectic torus bundles

MP Garcia del Moral, I Martin, JM Pena… - Journal of High Energy …, 2011 - Springer
We give the explicit formulation of the 11D supermembrane as a symplectic torus bundle
with non trivial monodromy and non vanishing Euler class. This construction allows a …

Spectral properties in supersymmetric matrix models

L Boulton, MPG del Moral, A Restuccia - Nuclear Physics B, 2012 - Elsevier
We formulate a general sufficiency criterion for discreteness of the spectrum of both
supersymmmetric and non-supersymmetric theories with a fermionic contribution. This …

The massive supermembrane on a knot

MP Garcia del Moral, P Leon, A Restuccia - Journal of High Energy …, 2021 - Springer
A bstract We obtain the Hamiltonian formulation of the 11D Supermembrane theory non-
trivially compactified on a twice punctured torus times a 9D Minkowski space-time. It …

Q-ball-like solitons on the M2-brane with worldvolume fluxes

P García, MPG del Moral, JM Peña… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023 - arxiv.org
In this paper we obtain a family of analytic solutions to the nonlinear partial differential
equations that describe the dynamics of the bosonic part of a M2-brane compactified on …

A supermembrane with central charges on a G2 manifold

A Belhaj, MPG del Moral, A Restuccia… - Journal of Physics A …, 2009 - iopscience.iop.org
We construct an 11D supermembrane with topological central charges induced through an
irreducible winding on a G2 manifold realized from the T 7/Z 3 2 orbifold construction. The …