Lightsync: Unsynchronized visual communication over screen-camera links

W Hu, H Gu, Q Pu - Proceedings of the 19th annual international …, 2013 -
A key challenge for smartphone based visual communication over screen-camera links is
imperfect frame synchronization. The difficulty arises from frame rate diversity and variability …

Chromacode: A fully imperceptible screen-camera communication system

K Zhang, C Wu, C Yang, Y Zhao, K Huang… - Proceedings of the 24th …, 2018 -
Hidden screen-camera communication techniques emerge as a new paradigm that embeds
data imperceptibly into regular videos while remaining unobtrusive to human viewers. Three …

Strata: Layered coding for scalable visual communication

W Hu, J Mao, Z Huang, Y Xue, J She, K Bian… - Proceedings of the 20th …, 2014 -
Existing code designs for display-camera based visual communication all have an all-or-
nothing behavior, ie, they assume the entire code must be decoded. However, diverse …

Characterizing multiplexing and diversity in visual MIMO

A Ashok, M Gruteser, N Mandayam… - 2011 45th Annual …, 2011 -
Mobile optical wireless has so far been limited to very short ranges for high data rate
systems. It may be feasible to overcome the data rate limitations over large transmission …

Kaleido: You can watch it but cannot record it

L Zhang, C Bo, J Hou, XY Li, Y Wang, K Liu… - Proceedings of the 21st …, 2015 -
Recently a number of systems have been developed to implement and improve the visual
communication over screen-camera links. In this paper we study an opposite problem: how …

Analysis of the effect of vignetting on MIMO optical wireless systems using spatial OFDM

MRH Mondal, J Armstrong - Journal of lightwave technology, 2013 -
The performance of pixelated multiple-input mul-tiple-output optical wireless communication
systems can be impaired by vignetting, which is the gradual fall-off in illumination at the …

Martian: Message broadcast via LED lights to heterogeneous smartphones

H Du, J Han, X Jian, T Jung, C Bo… - IEEE Journal on …, 2017 -
Visible light communication (VLC) has been shown to have several advantages over
traditional wireless communication. In this paper, we envision an LED-light-to-smartphone …

PiCode: 2D barcode with embedded picture and ViCode: 3D barcode with embedded video

W Huang, WH Mow - Proceedings of the 19th annual international …, 2013 -
As 2D barcodes become more and more popular, their new applications, like mobile
marketing, give a strong motivation for embedding visual information in them. Information …

Capturing the shifting shapes: Enabling efficient screen-camera communication with a pattern-based dynamic barcode

T Zhan, W Li, X Chen, S Lu - Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive …, 2018 -
With the increasing availability of LCD displays and phone cameras in today's environment,
screen-camera communication using dynamic barcode has emerged as a convenient …

Rate adaptation in visual mimo

A Ashok, M Gruteser, N Mandayam… - 2011 8th Annual …, 2011 -
We propose a rate adaptation scheme for visual MIMO camera-based communications,
wherein parallel data transmissions from light emitting arrays are received by multiple …