RandNLA: randomized numerical linear algebra

P Drineas, MW Mahoney - Communications of the ACM, 2016 - dl.acm.org
RandNLA: randomized numerical linear algebra Page 1 80 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM
| JUNE 2016 | VOL. 59 | NO. 6 review articles DOI:10.1145/2842602 Randomization offers new …

A review on design inspired subsampling for big data

J Yu, M Ai, Z Ye - Statistical Papers, 2024 - Springer
Subsampling focuses on selecting a subsample that can efficiently sketch the information of
the original data in terms of statistical inference. It provides a powerful tool in big data …

Randomized numerical linear algebra: Foundations and algorithms

PG Martinsson, JA Tropp - Acta Numerica, 2020 - cambridge.org
This survey describes probabilistic algorithms for linear algebraic computations, such as
factorizing matrices and solving linear systems. It focuses on techniques that have a proven …

Sketching as a tool for numerical linear algebra

DP Woodruff - … and Trends® in Theoretical Computer Science, 2014 - nowpublishers.com
This survey highlights the recent advances in algorithms for numerical linear algebra that
have come from the technique of linear sketching, whereby given a matrix, one first …

Randomized algorithms for matrices and data

MW Mahoney - Foundations and Trends® in Machine …, 2011 - nowpublishers.com
Randomized algorithms for very large matrix problems have received a great deal of
attention in recent years. Much of this work was motivated by problems in large-scale data …

[图书][B] Numerical linear algebra

LN Trefethen, D Bau - 2022 - SIAM
Since the early 1980. the first author has taught a graduate course in numerical linear
algebra at MIT and Cornell. The alumni of this course, now numbering in the hundreds, have …

[图书][B] Numerical methods for least squares problems

Å Björck - 2024 - SIAM
Excerpt More than 25 years have passed since the first edition of this book was published in
1996. Least squares and least-norm problems have become more significant with every …

[PDF][PDF] Fast approximation of matrix coherence and statistical leverage

P Drineas, M Magdon-Ismail, MW Mahoney… - The Journal of Machine …, 2012 - jmlr.org
The statistical leverage scores of a matrix A are the squared row-norms of the matrix
containing its (top) left singular vectors and the coherence is the largest leverage score …

Revisiting the nystrom method for improved large-scale machine learning

A Gittens, M Mahoney - International Conference on …, 2013 - proceedings.mlr.press
We reconsider randomized algorithms for the low-rank approximation of SPSD matrices
such as Laplacian and kernel matrices that arise in data analysis and machine learning …

A practical randomized CP tensor decomposition

C Battaglino, G Ballard, TG Kolda - SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and …, 2018 - SIAM
The CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) decomposition is a leading method for the analysis of
multiway data. The standard alternating least squares algorithm for the CP decomposition …