The dilemma of inclusive education: inclusion for some or inclusion for all

Ä Leijen, F Arcidiacono, A Baucal - Frontiers in Psychology, 2021 -
In this paper, we intend to consider different understandings of inclusive education that
frame current public and professional debates as well as policies and practices. We analyze …

School leaders' vision is the strongest predictor of their attitudes towards inclusive education practice

M Pedaste, Ä Leijen, T Kivirand, P Nelis… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
School leaders have an important role in supporting implementation of inclusive education
practices in schools. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how school leaders' attitudes …

[PDF][PDF] Eesti ja vene õppekeelega koolide 15-aastaste õpilaste teadmiste ja oskuste erinevuse põhjuste analüüs

K Täht, K Konstabel, K Kask, M Rannikmäe… - … and Skills of 15-Year Old …, 2018 -
Eesti õppekeelega koolides on kõigi PISA testitavate valdkondade testide tulemused
oluliselt kõrgemad kui vene õppekeelega ja keelekümbluskoolides (samas vene …

The meaning of inclusive education and factors for effective implementation in the Estonian context: a view of specialists who train or advise teachers

T Kivirand, Ä Leijen, L Lepp, L Malva - Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri …, 2020 -
Kaasava hariduse teemalise õpetajakoolituse arendamine on aktuaalne nii Eestis kui ka
rahvusvaheliselt. Õpetajate oskuste ja teadmiste kujundamisel on otsustav roll …

The Field of Work of the School Art Therapist and Its Unique Potential for the School's Support Team

M Ratnik, E Rüütel - Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 2019 -
Qualitative research was carried out to examine the first experiences of the implementation
of art therapy in Estonian schools. The aim was to ascertain the facets of the activities of the …

[PDF][PDF] The Potential of Action Research to Support Teachers' Positive Attitudes toward Inclusive Education

K Poom-Valickis, T Ulla - Key Issues in Teacher Education, 2024 -
Teacher education plays a crucial role in developing positive attitudes in preservice
teachers towards inclusive education and in equipping them with skills and knowledge to …

Discourse, conversation and argumentation: Theoretical perspectives and innovative empirical studies, volume II

A Bova, C Galimberti, F Arcidiacono… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
Although discursive, conversational, and argumentative interactions play an essential role in
our lives, there is no integrated area of psychological research on these types of …

Contextual factors contributing to quality implementation of the PAX good behaviour game in Estonia: the view of experienced coaches

T Ulla, K Poom-Valickis - Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal …, 2023 -
Sotsiaal-emotsionaalsete pädevuste omandamisest võidavad kaasava hariduse kontekstis
väga erinevad õppijad. Eestis on täheldatud ja tõendatud VEPA Käitumisoskuste Mängu …

Implementation of inclusive education in Estonian kindergartens based on the theoretical model of inclusive education: a case study

P Nelis, M Pedaste, C Šuman - Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian …, 2023 -
Vaatamata kaasamist toetavatele poliitikatele ja uuringutele on kaasava hariduse
rakendamine lasteaedades väljakutse. Selleks on oluline süsteemne ja terviklik …


Õ Saks, K Sults -
Resümee Magistritöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada, millised on õpetajate ja
tugispetsialistide hoiakud kaasava hariduse suhtes Eesti üldhariduskoolides ning kuidas on …