(Dis) Information Literacy: A Democratic Right and Duty of All Citizens

JA Muñiz-Velázquez - Media and Communication, 2023 - cogitatiopress.com
When the call for papers for this issue was made a few months ago, disinformation literacy to
defend our democracies was already seen as having great importance. Today, when hybrid …

Social media fact-checking: The effects of news literacy and news trust on the intent to verify health-related information

I Kožuh, P Čakš - Healthcare, 2023 - mdpi.com
The recent health crisis and the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence have caused
misinformation on social media to flourish by becoming more sophisticated and challenging …

[PDF][PDF] Ranked by truth metrics: A new communication method approach, on crowd-sourced fact-checking platforms for journalistic and social media content

E Lamprou, N Antonopoulos - Stud. Media Commun, 2023 - core.ac.uk
Fake news, misinformation, and non-true stories create a definite threat to the world's public
sphere. Fake news contaminates democracy by blurring the sight and the vision, or by …

[HTML][HTML] Civic Literacy and Disinformation in Democracies

J Lilja, N Eklund, E Tottie - Social Sciences, 2024 - mdpi.com
The aim of this study is to explore civic literacy as an approach to counter disinformation in
democracies. From group interviews, we elicit, categorize, and analyze diverse perspectives …

Against Resilience: The (Anti-) Ethics of Participation in an Unjust and Unequal Public Sphere

S Banaji - Javnost-The Public, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
If we define public spheres as social spaces in families, media, governance and policy
making, workplaces, colleges, schools, places of worship and leisure where people can …

Confianza en los medios de comunicación y libertad de prensa en el sur de Europa: diferencias entre países y perfiles sociodemográficos

MFM Torres, AZ Arroyo… - Estudios Sobre el …, 2024 - search.proquest.com
Esta investigación plantea un estudio comparado de seis países del sur de la Unión
Europea (Croacia, Eslovenia, España, Grecia, Italia y Portugal) analizando las …

Countering misinformation in the public sector

V Kallio, H Uotila - 2023 - jyx.jyu.fi
Misinformation is a crucial challenge to efficient public sector communication as it
undermines people's trust in institutions and organizations, jeopardizing society's overall …

Aproximación a la geografía de la desinformación en el marco de los países de la Unión Europea

LF Sangrador - El fenómeno de la desinformación: reflexiones …, 2023 - books.google.com
En las últimas décadas, el desarrollo y la apertura de las tecnologías de la información y la
comunicación ha favorecido el acceso y la consulta de datos. Sin embargo, de forma …


K Juraitė, D Iarovyi, S Torpan, R Kõuts-Klemm - becid.eu
This systematic literature review aimed to investigate public responses and capacities in
coping with the increasing challenges and risks associated with disinformation and other …

[PDF][PDF] AI Optimism, Pessimism, or Indifference? Challenges of Combating AI-Made Misinformation Under Mixed Perceptions of AI

Y Shibuya, T Nakazato, S Takagi - 2022 - workshop-proceedings.icwsm.org
There is growing concern about misinformation and propaganda being spread through AI-
generated content that is often indistinguishable from human-made content. As a response …