Learning from house prices: Amplification and business fluctuations

R Chahrour, G Gaballo - The Review of Economic Studies, 2021 - academic.oup.com
We formalize the idea that house price changes may drive rational waves of optimism and
pessimism in the economy. In our model, a house price increase caused by aggregate …

Moderating noise-driven macroeconomic fluctuations under dispersed information

JJ Adams - Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2023 - Elsevier
Can aggregate noise shocks produce large macroeconomic fluctuations, and if so, is there
anything that policymakers can do about them? Yes and yes, if news about idiosyncratic …

Central bank communication and stabilization policies under firms' motivated beliefs

C Cornand, R Dos Santos Ferreira - Economic Theory, 2024 - Springer
Using a simple microfounded macroeconomic model with price making firms and a central
bank maximizing the welfare of a representative household, we show that the presence of …

Learning from monetary and fiscal policy

Z Han, F Tan, J Wu - Available at SSRN 3726905, 2021 - papers.ssrn.com
We present a dynamic incomplete information model where monetary and fiscal policy
instruments serve as endogenous signals for the private sector. We highlight a novel …

Moderating Macroeconomic Bubbles Under Dispersed Information

J Adams - Available at SSRN 4248645, 2022 - papers.ssrn.com
Can waves of optimism and pessimism produce large macroeconomic bubbles, and if so, is
there anything that policymakers can do about them? Yes and yes. I study a business cycle …

[PDF][PDF] Learning from House Prices: Amplification and Business Fluctuations

G Gaballo, R Chahrour - 2019 - repec.cepr.org
We provide a new theory of demand-driven business cycles based on learning from prices
in an otherwise frictionless real model. In our model, house price increases caused by …