Discursive politics online: political creativity and affective networking in Australian feminist blogs

F Shaw - 2012 - unsworks.unsw.edu.au
This thesis explores the concept of discursive politics in relation to an online discursive
network, using the case study of Australian feminist blogs. The Australian feminist blogging …

Netified: Social cognition in crowds and clouds

YM Kalman, DR Raban, S Rafaeli - The Social Net …, 2013 - books.google.com
In 2005, the same year the first version of this chapter was published (Rafaeli, Raban, &
Kalman, 2005), Thomas Friedman, the New York Times columnist, published a cutting-edge …

Seeing Google at 25.

PA Soukup - Communication Research Trends, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
The article reports on the history of Google. It mentions Android operating system powers
mobile phones and is Google product gained by purchase, and Google Translate launched …

[图书][B] Development and validation of the Scale of Atheist Microaggressions (SAM)

LA Pagano Jr - 2015 - search.proquest.com
Abstract Atheists in the United States are a gradually growing population representing an
increasingly important percentage of the population (Pew Research Survey, 2012). The …