[PDF][PDF] Development Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Based on Moodle in High School Physics Static Electricity

V Wiliyanti, A Destiana, NH Shidqha - Jurnal Program Studi …, 2022 - academia.edu
This paper discusses the development of e-learning media in the form of MOOCs (Massive
Open Online Course) available on the Moodle website. This research was conducted to …

FITERN: Firefighting Tactic and Technique Application as A Web-Based Learning Media Integrated with A Robotic Simulator

W Nugraha, D Amalia, P Parjan… - JMKSP (Jurnal …, 2023 - jurnal.univpgri-palembang.ac.id
In the era of technological disruption and digital revolution, vocational higher education must
align its graduates' competency and qualification needs and follow developments in science …

Web Learning Research in Physics Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic

BK Prahani, B Jatmiko, T Amelia… - Journal of Physics …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
Physics education can be given effectively even in an emergency such as the COVID-19
pandemic with the help of existing technology. This study aims to analyze the trend and …

[PDF][PDF] “In-Math” as a Website-Based e-Learning Media in the Endemic Era

T Murdiyanto, DA Wijayanti, NF Maula, A Sovia - Int. J. Inf. Educ. Technol, 2023 - ijiet.org
 Abstract—This research aims to develop a website-based e-learning for social arithmetic
for Grade VII of junior high school, named “In Math”. This study refers to the Borg and Gall …

Rancang Bangun Teknologi Edukasi Berbasis Moodle dan Private Cloud di SMAN 26 Bandung

M Nafysah, EA Laksana - Jurnal Dimensi Pendidikan dan …, 2023 - journal.umpo.ac.id
Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berkembang dengan pesat dan telah menyentuh
banyak bidang dalam membantu pekerjaan manusia. Salah satu bidang yang telah …

Website-based formative feedback needs analysis in physics learning

FD Sasmita, S Kusairi, K Khusaini - Jurnal Kependidikan …, 2023 - journal.uny.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kebutuhan formative feedback berbasis website pada
pembelajaran fisika. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan …


T Tanti, N Afriani, M Maison - Journal of Teaching and Learning …, 2023 - journal.uinsgd.ac.id
This study aims to construct and validate and analyze the effectiveness of a physics learning
blog based on contextual teaching and learning. The method used in developing a physics …

Development of website-based learning media containing socioscientific issues on buffer solution material

Y Febriyanto, J Ikhsan - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
This research is a research and development of website learning media. This study aims to
produce a product in the form of a website-based learning media containing valid and …

Improving renewable energy literacy through web

C Rochman, D Nasrudin, GN Adilah - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
Increasing public literacy to save energy and switch to renewable energy requires suitable
information media. This paper aims to reveal the development of a renewable energy web …

[PDF][PDF] Edubiotik: Jurnal Pendidikan, Biologi dan Terapan

TA Prayitno, N Hidayati - 2022 - core.ac.uk
The development of valid online learning media is currently very necessary in supporting the
biology learning process. A high percentage of students had misconceptions about general …