Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta‐analyses in ecology and evolutionary biology: a PRISMA extension
Since the early 1990s, ecologists and evolutionary biologists have aggregated primary
research using meta‐analytic methods to understand ecological and evolutionary …
research using meta‐analytic methods to understand ecological and evolutionary …
Consistent individual behavioral variation: what do we know and where are we going?
The study of individual behavioral variation, sometimes called animal personalities or
behavioral types, is now a well-established area of research in behavioral ecology and …
behavioral types, is now a well-established area of research in behavioral ecology and …
Individual differences in behaviour explain variation in survival: A meta‐analysis
Research focusing on among‐individual differences in behaviour ('animal personality') has
been blooming for over a decade. Central theories explaining the maintenance of such …
been blooming for over a decade. Central theories explaining the maintenance of such …
Pace-of-life syndromes: a framework for the adaptive integration of behaviour, physiology and life history
This introduction to the topical collection on Pace-of-life syndromes: a framework for the
adaptive integration of behaviour, physiology, and life history provides an overview of …
adaptive integration of behaviour, physiology, and life history provides an overview of …
Linking personality and cognition: a meta-analysis
LR Dougherty, LM Guillette - … Transactions of the Royal …, 2018 -
In the past decade, several conceptual papers have linked variation in animal personality to
variation in cognition, and recent years have seen a flood of empirical studies testing this …
variation in cognition, and recent years have seen a flood of empirical studies testing this …
Integrating behavior in life-history theory: allocation versus acquisition?
Central theories explaining the maintenance of individual differences in behavior build on
the assumption that behavior mediates life-history trade-offs between current and future …
the assumption that behavior mediates life-history trade-offs between current and future …
The covariance between metabolic rate and behaviour varies across behaviours and thermal types: meta‐analytic insights
Energy metabolism has received much attention as a potential driver of repeatable among‐
individual differences in behaviour (animal personality). Several factors have been …
individual differences in behaviour (animal personality). Several factors have been …
Psychoactive pollution suppresses individual differences in fish behaviour
Environmental contamination by pharmaceuticals is global, substantially altering crucial
behaviours in animals and impacting on their reproduction and survival. A key question is …
behaviours in animals and impacting on their reproduction and survival. A key question is …
Poor nutritional condition promotes high‐risk behaviours: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Animal behaviour can lead to varying levels of risk, and an individual's physical condition
can alter the potential costs and benefits of undertaking risky behaviours. How risk‐taking …
can alter the potential costs and benefits of undertaking risky behaviours. How risk‐taking …
Long-term consistency of personality traits of cattle
Personality is often defined as the behaviour of individual animals that is consistent across
contexts and over time. Personality traits may become unstable during stages of ontogeny …
contexts and over time. Personality traits may become unstable during stages of ontogeny …