Set operations and order reductions for constrained zonotopes

V Raghuraman, JP Koeln - Automatica, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper presents methods for using zonotopes and constrained zonotopes to improve the
practicality of a wide variety of set-based operations commonly used in control theory. The …

[图书][B] Zonotopes: From guaranteed state-estimation to control

VTH Le, C Stoica, T Alamo, EF Camacho, D Dumur - 2013 -
This title focuses on two significant problems in the field of automatic control, in particular
state estimation and robust Model Predictive Control under input and state constraints …

Approximate hybrid model predictive control for multi-contact push recovery in complex environments

T Marcucci, R Deits, M Gabiccini… - 2017 IEEE-RAS 17th …, 2017 -
Feedback control of robotic systems interacting with the environment through contacts is a
central topic in legged robotics. One of the main challenges posed by this problem is the …

Inner–outer approximation of robust control invariant sets

R Comelli, S Olaru, E Kofman - Automatica, 2024 - Elsevier
This work proposes an approach to replace the use of a robust control invariant set by a pair
of simpler sets that provide an inner and an outer approximation of the former. In the …

Constrained global sensitivity analysis for bioprocess design space identification

P Kotidis, P Demis, CH Goey, E Correa… - Computers & Chemical …, 2019 - Elsevier
The manufacture of protein-based therapeutics presents unique challenges due to limited
control over the biotic phase. This typically gives rise to a wide range of protein structures of …

Robust learning-based predictive control for discrete-time nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics and state constraints

X Zhang, J Liu, X Xu, S Yu… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 -
Robust model predictive control (MPC) is a well-known control technique for model-based
control with constraints and uncertainties. In classic robust tube-based MPC approaches, an …

A terminal set feasibility governor for linear model predictive control

T Skibik, D Liao-McPherson… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 -
The feasibility governor (FG) is an add-on unit for model predictive controllers (MPC) that
increases the closed-loop region of attraction by manipulating the applied reference to …

A Terminal State Feasibility Governor for Real-Time Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Over Arbitrary Horizons

B Convens, D Liao-McPherson… - … on Control Systems …, 2024 -
This article introduces a novel feasibility governor (FG), which enlarges the region of
attraction (ROA) of a nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) setpoint regulation law with …

Vertical hierarchical MPC for constrained linear systems

J Koeln, V Raghuraman, B Hencey - Automatica, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract A hierarchical Model Predictive Control (MPC) formulation is presented for discrete-
time linear systems with state and input constraints. A vertical hierarchical controller, with …

[图书][B] Set-theoretic fault-tolerant control in multisensor systems

F Stoican, S Olaru - 2013 -
Fault-tolerant control theory is a well-studied topic but the use of the sets in detection,
isolation and/or reconfiguration is rather tangential. The authors of this book propose a …