Language, translation and the problem of international accounting communication
L Evans - Accounting, auditing & accountability journal, 2004 -
The use of technical terms to communicate accounting information can lead to
misunderstandings when the meaning of such terms is not fully appreciated by the recipient …
misunderstandings when the meaning of such terms is not fully appreciated by the recipient …
Implementing IFRS from the perspective of EU publicly traded companies
EK Jermakowicz, S Gornik-Tomaszewski - Journal of international …, 2006 - Elsevier
This study examines implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
by European Union (EU) companies. All listed EU companies are required to prepare their …
by European Union (EU) companies. All listed EU companies are required to prepare their …
[PDF][PDF] Some obstacles to global financial reporting comparability and convergence at a high level of quality
SA Zeff - The British accounting review, 2007 -
'Comparability'is a very difficult notion to understand even within a country, let alone
globally. We have not really had much literature that helps us understand what is meant by …
globally. We have not really had much literature that helps us understand what is meant by …
Convergence with IFRS in an expanding Europe: progress and obstacles identified by large accounting firms' survey
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) acquired greater legitimacy and
stature when the European Union (EU) decided to require all listed companies to prepare …
stature when the European Union (EU) decided to require all listed companies to prepare …
A review of internal and external influences on corporate governance and financial accountability in Nigeria
No country exists in isolation, and as developing countries like Nigeria aspire
to'international'standards of accountability and governance suited to the developed …
to'international'standards of accountability and governance suited to the developed …
Colliding worlds: Issues relating to language translation in accounting and some lessons from other disciplines
L Evans, R Baskerville, K Nara - Abacus, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
This paper explores the implications of language translation in accounting. It draws on
research on translation in other disciplines, and on insights from applied linguistics. It …
research on translation in other disciplines, and on insights from applied linguistics. It …
Language, translation and accounting: towards a critical research agenda
L Evans - Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 2018 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to increase the awareness of the implications of
language translation for accounting standard setting, education and research, and to work …
language translation for accounting standard setting, education and research, and to work …
[图书][B] The darkening glass: Issues for translation of IFRS
R Baskerville, L Evans - 2011 -
Executive summary Prior research in linguistics, translation studies and accounting identifies
problems and limitations of translation between languages. Such problems also occur in the …
problems and limitations of translation between languages. Such problems also occur in the …
Interpreting the European Union's IFRS endorsement criteria: The case of IFRS 9
EU Regulation requires that any international accounting standards (International Financial
Reporting Standards, IFRS) and interpretations (IFRIC) pronounced by the International …
Reporting Standards, IFRS) and interpretations (IFRIC) pronounced by the International …
Interlingual translation of the International Financial Reporting Standards as institutional work
J Kettunen - Accounting, Organizations and Society, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been widely adopted
well beyond English-speaking jurisdictions. Using the Finnish translation of the IFRS as a …
well beyond English-speaking jurisdictions. Using the Finnish translation of the IFRS as a …