Betrayal through obedience: on the history of the unusual inflectional chain in Siyuewu Khroskyabs
Y Lai - Linguistic Typology, 2021 -
This paper focuses on the verbal inflection chain of Siyuewu Khroskyabs, a Gyalrongic
language (Trans-Himalayan). Siyuewu Khroskyabs goes against two general typological …
language (Trans-Himalayan). Siyuewu Khroskyabs goes against two general typological …
Tibetan dining etiquette: A sociolinguistic analysis of a normative discourse text in Stau
J Gates - Himalayan Linguistics, 2019 -
The primary objective of this article is to provide a transcription, glossing, and translation of a
recent oral presentation called་ བ་ བ ན་ ཉི་ མ་ གི་ ཟ་ མ་ གས་ ོར་ ཞིབ་ ཆ་ དེ་ དག་ ང་ …
recent oral presentation called་ བ་ བ ན་ ཉི་ མ་ གི་ ཟ་ མ་ གས་ ོར་ ཞིབ་ ཆ་ དེ་ དག་ ང་ …