Methods and systems for machine-learning based simulation of flow

A Usadi, D Li, R Parashkevov, SA Terekhov… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
There is provided a method for modeling a hydrocarbon reservoir that includes generating a
reservoir model that has a plurality of coarse grid cells. A plurality of fine grid models is …

Optimized matrix and vector operations in instruction limited algorithms that perform EOS calculations

KB Haugen - US Patent 9,489,176, 2016 - Google Patents
There is provided a system and method for optimizing matrix and vector calculations in
instruction limited algorithms that perform EOS calculations. The method includes dividing …

Method and system for finite volume simulation of flow

ID Mishev, O Dubois, L Jiang - US Patent 9,134,454, 2015 - Google Patents
There is provided a method for modeling a hydrocarbon reservoir that includes deriving a
computational mesh on a fine unstructured mesh using a multilevel mixed multiscale finite …

Methods and systems for machine—learning based simulation of flow

A Usadi, D Li, R Parashkevov, SA Terekhov… - US Patent …, 2018 - Google Patents
There is provided a method for modeling a hydrocarbon reservoir that includes generating a
reservoir model that has a plurality of sub regions. A solution surrogate is obtained for a sub …

Method and system for reservoir modeling

A Usadi, D Li, R Parashkevov, X Wu, Y Yang - US Patent 9,058,445, 2015 - Google Patents
A method is presented for modeling reservoir properties. The method includes constructing
a coarse computational mesh for the reservoir. The coarse computational mesh comprises a …

Fault removal in geological models

K Ghayour, L Bi, X Wu - US Patent 10,036,829, 2018 - Google Patents
Method for transforming a discontinuous, faulted subsurface reservoir into a continuous, fault-
free space where a complete geological model based on selected geological concepts can …

Methods and systems for machine-learning based simulation of flow

A Usadi, D Li, R Parashkevov, SA Terekhov… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
There is provided a method for modeling a hydrocarbon reservoir that includes generating a
reservoir model com prising a plurality of sub regions. At least one of the sub regions is …

Volumetric grid generation in a domain with heterogeneous material properties

LV Branets, V Kubyak, E Kartasheva… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
Method for generating a 3D grid, and for defining a material property model on the grid, to
use, for example, in a reservoir simulator. A mapping is defined (61, 71) to a design space in …

Flexible and adaptive formulations for complex reservoir simulations

P Lu, BL Beckner - US Patent 9,058,446, 2015 - Google Patents
A method for performing a simulation of a subsurface hydrocarbon reservoir is disclosed.
Each cell in a reservoir model has an equation set representing a reservoir property. A …

Handling domain discontinuity with the help of grid optimization techniques

LV Branets, X Wu, L Bi - US Patent 10,803,534, 2020 - Google Patents
Method for mapping a 3D grid or mesh from a faulted subsurface domain to a continuous
design domain, wherein the grid may be used to represent a discrete model of a subsurface …