Lease accounting: A review of recent literature

E Barone, J Birt, S Moya - Accounting in Europe, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Current lease accounting standards classify leases as either operating or finance leases.
Operating leases do not require recognition of lease assets or lease liabilities on the …

The impact of IFRS 16 on key financial ratios: A new methodological approach

J Morales-Díaz, C Zamora-Ramírez - Accounting in Europe, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
In January 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board issued a new standard for
lease accounting: International Financial Reporting Starndard (IFRS) 16. IFRS 16 will lead to …


E Raoli - Academy of accounting and financial studies journal, 2021 -
The paper presents an empirical analysis on the implementation of the new lease
accounting model provided by IFRS 16. It takes into consideration the theoretical framework …

Impact of new standard IFRS 16 Leases on statement of financial position and key ratios a case study on an airline company in Turkey

M Öztürk, M Serçemeli - İşletme ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları …, 2016 -
The studies regarding the changes made related to the accounting for lease have taken its
final status with the publication of IFRS16 Lease Standard as a result of a long time and …

Considering the effects of operating lease capitalization on key financial ratios

MÀ Fitó, S Moya, N Orgaz - Spanish Journal of Finance and …, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Current IFRS accounting regulation does not require capitalization of operating leases.
However, this may change once the new IASB proposal is published. Relevant Spanish …

The impact of lease capitalisation on financial statements and key ratios: Evidence from Australia

K Wong, M Joshi - Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance …, 2015 -
The IASB/FASB exposure draft ED 2013 on lease accounting, if introduced as a standard,
will fundamentally change the way that leases are accounted for and reported in financial …

The effects on financial leverage and performance: The IFRS 16

F Magli, A Nobolo, M Ogliari - International Business Research, 2018 -
This paper analyses the potential impacts of the introduction of a new accounting standard,
International Financial Reporting Standard 16 (IFRS 16)–Leases, on financial leverage and …

The impact of a new accounting standard on assets, liabilities and leverage of companies: Evidence from energy industry

I Górowski, B Kurek, M Szarucki - Energies, 2022 -
The climate policy of the EU enforced substantial changes for producers and suppliers of
energy. New assets and providers of capital are needed to fulfill the policy requirements. To …

Nueva norma de arrendamiento IFRS 16 Leases y su impacto financiero y contable

VL Torres, E Rivas - … y Negocios: Revista de Investigación yy …, 2017 -
Este documento tiene como objetivo evidenciar el impacto que generará la aplicación de la
IFRS 16 en las métricas de rentabilidad ROA, ROE y en el margen de utilidad. Así como en …

Assessing the impact of operating lease capitalization with dynamic Monte Carlo simulation

B Giner, P Merello, F Pardo - Journal of Business Research, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract The European Commission has recently adopted a new accounting standard for
leases that will be implemented in 2019, which requires operating lease contracts to be …