Constructing COVID-19: A corpus-informed analysis of prime ministerial crisis response communication by gender

K Power, P Crosthwaite - Discourse & Society, 2022 -
This paper compares Australian and New Zealand Prime Ministers' crisis response
communication about COVID-19. We examine how gender performativity and contextual …

[PDF][PDF] Evolution of US presidential discourse over 230 years: A psycholinguistic perspective

X Chen, J Hu - International Journal of English Linguistics, 2019 -
Much of recent research on US presidential discourse has focused on the nexus between
language forms and their underlying social processes and psychological states. However …

Reframing the American dream

M Boyd - InAnalyzing Genres in Political Communication: Theory …, 2013 -
Lakoff (2002) maintains that US political divisions are shaped by competing interpretations
of the Nation as family conceptual metaphor, which create fundamentally different moral …

Positioning in pre-prepared and spontaneous parliamentary discourse: Choice of person in the Parliament of Montenegro

M Vuković - Discourse & Society, 2012 -
Pronominal choice in political talk reflects hidden ideologies, which is why it has been a
much-studied phenomenon in the discourse analytic research of politics in western …

The use of personal pronoun in political discourse: A case study of the final 2016 united states presidential election debate

K Kaewrungruang, O Yaoharee - Reflections, 2018 -
This study aims to invesfigate the use of personal pronouns in polifical speeches made by
Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton in the 2016 US Presidenfial Elecfion Debates. The focus is …

[图书][B] Signed language interpreting: Preparation, practice and performance

L Leeson, S Wurm, M Vermeerbergen - 2014 -
Signed language interpreting continues to evolve as a field of research. Stages of
professionalization, opportunities for education and the availability of research vary …

Interpreting (im) politeness strategies in a media political setting: A case study from the Greek prime ministerial TV debate as interpreted into Greek Sign Language

F Savvalidou - Signed Language Interpreting, 2014 -
This chapter investigates the linguistic coping strategies employed by one of the two
interpreters involved in the process and their impact on the pragmatic rendering of the …

[图书][B] Agreement in Argumentation: A Discursive Perspective

F Santulli, C Degano - 2022 -
This book explores the construction of agreement in the argumentative process, aiming to
investigate how the activation of shared knowledge, values and beliefs leads to the creation …

A diachronic corpus-assisted semantic domain analysis of US presidential debates

N Hayes, R Poole - Corpora, 2022 -
This corpus-assisted discourse study investigates diachronic change in a specialised corpus
of seventeen American presidential debates from 2000 to 2020. The texts were tagged using …

A functional analysis of the Finnish 2012 presidential elections

L Paatelainen, S Croucher, B Benoit - Studies in Media and Communication, 2016 -
This study applied the functional theory of political campaign discourse, developed for
political campaigns in the United States to two televised presidential debates in the 2012 …