A review of the literature on capital budgeting and investment appraisal: Past, present, and future musings
SF Haka - Handbooks of management accounting research, 2006 - Elsevier
This chapter provides a historical appraisal of the development of current capital budgeting
practices and reviews capital budgeting academic research. In the late eighteenth and early …
practices and reviews capital budgeting academic research. In the late eighteenth and early …
Escalation: The role of problem recognition and cognitive bias
Escalation of commitment to a failing course of action is an enduring problem that remains
central to the study of managerial behavior. Prior research suggests that escalation behavior …
central to the study of managerial behavior. Prior research suggests that escalation behavior …
The impact of national influence on accounting estimates: Implications for international accounting standard-setters
JJ Schultz Jr, TJ Lopez - The International Journal of Accounting, 2001 - Elsevier
The results of prior research suggest that national accounting systems are significantly
associated with differences in market valuations and various other macromeasures. These …
associated with differences in market valuations and various other macromeasures. These …
Project escalation and sunk costs: A test of the international generalizability of agency and prospect theories
DJ Sharp, SB Salter - Journal of International Business Studies, 1997 - Springer
Abstract Previous North American research suggests that aspects of agency theory and
prospect theory may explain decisions to escalate commitment to failing projects. This study …
prospect theory may explain decisions to escalate commitment to failing projects. This study …
Information technology project escalation: A process model
Information technology (IT) a common and costly problem. While much is known about the
factors that promote escalation behavior, little is known about the actual escalation process …
factors that promote escalation behavior, little is known about the actual escalation process …
Escalating commitment to unprofitable projects: Replication and cross-cultural extension
CW Chow, P Harrison, T Lindquist, A Wu - Management Accounting …, 1997 - Elsevier
In the current era of intensifying competition and globalization, two increasingly important
management issues are how to ensure timely responses to threats and opportunities, and …
management issues are how to ensure timely responses to threats and opportunities, and …
An empirical examination of competing theories to explain the framing effect in accounting‐related decisions
CJ Chang, SH Yen, RR Duh - Behavioral Research in …, 2002 - publications.aaahq.org
The purposes of this study are to explore framing effects in a managerial accounting
decision context and to test the explanatory power of prospect theory and two competing …
decision context and to test the explanatory power of prospect theory and two competing …
Agency effects and escalation of commitment: do small national culture differences matter?
SB Salter, DJ Sharp - The International Journal of Accounting, 2001 - Elsevier
In order to test for hypothesized effects of national culture on management control systems
with a cost-effective sample size, most cross-cultural studies rely on large differences in …
with a cost-effective sample size, most cross-cultural studies rely on large differences in …
The Impact of Responsibility and Framing of Budgetary Information on Group-Shifts.
RW Rutledge, AM Harrell - Behavioral Research in …, 1994 - search.ebscohost.com
Considerable research has found that group decisions are either more or less risky as
compared to previous decisions made by individual group members. This study proposes …
compared to previous decisions made by individual group members. This study proposes …
The moderating effects of national culture on escalation of commitment
SB Salter, DJ Sharp, Y Chen - Advances in accounting, 2013 - Elsevier
This study tests the cross-cultural sensitivity of three determinants of escalation of
commitment: agency conditions, negative framing, and self-justification. A multiple-case …
commitment: agency conditions, negative framing, and self-justification. A multiple-case …