A critical overview of migration and development: The Latin American challenge

R Delgado-Wise - Annual Review of Sociology, 2014 - annualreviews.org
There is an intense ongoing debate on migration and development in Latin America. This
article offers a critical overview of the main perspectives surrounding the Latin American …

Migration and social protection as adaptation in response to climate-related stressors: The case of Zacatecas in Mexico

M Aksakal, K Schmidt - … change, adaptation and migration: Bringing in the …, 2015 - Springer
Migration in the context of climate change has recently been addressed in different ways
and with a particular focus on vulnerable people. Special attention has thereby been paid to …

[PDF][PDF] Conceptual framework on temporary migration

M Aksakal, K Schmidt-Verkerk - … clarifications for the EURA-NET project, 2015 - sites.tuni.fi
FRAMEWORK ON TEMPORARY MIGRATION Transnational Migration in Transition …

Warum verlassen Menschen ihre Lebensorte? Ein Überblick über Ansätze zur Erklärung der Initiierung von Wanderung

M Aksakal - Soziologie der Migration. Eine systematische …, 2020 - degruyter.com
Dieses Kapitel widmet sich vornehmlich der Initiierung von Migrationspro zessen. Es geht
somit darum, wie in der Migrationsforschung die Frage, warum Menschen ihre …