Low carbon future of vehicle sharing, automation, and electrification: A review of modeling mobility behavior and demand
J Wang, H Yang - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
Vehicle sharing, automation, and electrification are anticipated to move mobility and society
towards low carbon and sustainability. Yet their positives and negatives to the society and …
towards low carbon and sustainability. Yet their positives and negatives to the society and …
[PDF][PDF] Методика формирования транспортной сети железнодорожной станции
ПН Мишкуров, АН Рахмангулов… - Вестник Уральского …, 2021 - usurt.ru
Аннотация Традиционно железнодорожные пути как общего, так и необщего
пользования представляются связным ориентированным векторным графом, в состав …
пользования представляются связным ориентированным векторным графом, в состав …
Characterizing Fuel Use and Emission Hotspots for a Diesel-Operated Passenger Rail Service
Spatially varying diesel locomotive fuel use and emission rates (FUERs) are needed to
accurately quantify local emission hotspots and their health impacts. However, existing …
accurately quantify local emission hotspots and their health impacts. However, existing …
Characteristics and assessment of the electricity consumption of metro systems: A case study of Tianjin, China
Y Yu, S You, T Ye, Y Wang, X Guo… - Energy Science & …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Owing to the complexity of metros, the energy consumption characteristics of metro systems
exhibit variability and the energy‐saving management of the systems encounters …
exhibit variability and the energy‐saving management of the systems encounters …
Modeling System-Wide Urban Rail Transit Energy Consumption: A Case Study of Boston
Z Han, E Gonzales, E Christofa… - Transportation Research …, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
Rapid transit systems are critical components of urban public transportation networks in their
impact, not only on personal mobility but also on the energy and environmental costs …
impact, not only on personal mobility but also on the energy and environmental costs …
NeTrainSim: a network-level simulator for modeling freight train longitudinal motion and energy consumption
Although train modeling research is vast, most available simulation tools are confined to city-
or trip-scale analysis, primarily offering micro-level simulations of network segments. This …
or trip-scale analysis, primarily offering micro-level simulations of network segments. This …
NeTrainSim: A network freight train simulator for estimating energy/fuel consumption
Although train simulation research is vast, the majority of simulation tools available are
confined to city-or trip-scale analysis, primarily offering micro-level simulations of network …
confined to city-or trip-scale analysis, primarily offering micro-level simulations of network …
[HTML][HTML] Особенности построения агентной имитационной модели железнодорожной станции
ПН Мишкуров, АН Рахмангулов - Современные проблемы …, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
Представлены решения по построению имитационных моделей железнодорожной
станции на основе агентного подхода. Имитационные модели на железнодорожном …
станции на основе агентного подхода. Имитационные модели на железнодорожном …
Energy-saving optimization method of urban rail transit based on improved differential evolution algorithm
G Lu, D He, J Zhang - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
The transformation of railway infrastructure and traction equipment is an ideal way to realize
energy savings of urban rail transit trains. However, upgrading railway infrastructure and …
energy savings of urban rail transit trains. However, upgrading railway infrastructure and …
Raylı Sistem Araçlarında Enerji Verimliliğinin İyileştirilmesi
E Aksu, M Kaplan - Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2022 - dergipark.org.tr
Trafik, fosil artığı yakıtlardan kaynaklanan çevresel sorunlar ve bunlara bağlı ekonomik
sorunlar nedeniyle tramvay, hafif raylı sistem ve metro gibi raylı toplu ulaşım sistemlere talep …
sorunlar nedeniyle tramvay, hafif raylı sistem ve metro gibi raylı toplu ulaşım sistemlere talep …