The driving factors behind urban communities' carbon emissions in the selected urban villages of Jakarta, Indonesia

F Fatmah - PLoS One, 2023 -
As there is a high number of urban communities and residential activities like electricity
uses, transportation, food consumption, garbage production, and knowledge on climate …

Comparative Analysis of Government Communication Strategies in Environmental Law Enforcement: A Case Study of Indonesia (DKI Jakarta) and Singapore

WM Ayuningrum, N Herari - Journal of Communication and Public …, 2024 -
This study explores the communication strategies of Indonesia and Singapore in enforcing
environmental law, particularly in the context of the Awyu and Moi tribes' refusal to give up …

Pengukuran Stok Karbon Ekosistem Lamun Di Kawasan Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur

D Zulkifli, H Triyono, R Suharti, MA Jabbar… - Jurnal Kelautan …, 2022 -
Climate change caused by various activities of human activity has produced carbon dioxide
gas affecting global warming. Seagrass ecosystem has the ability to absorb and store large …


C Safira, H Rahmah, YI Indainanto - Perspektif Komunikasi: Jurnal …, 2024 -
Terjadinya global warming membuat masyarakat kini mulai fokus pada lingkungan. Salah
satunya adalah meningkatnya konsumsi produk-produk ramah lingkungan. Konsumen saat …

Practices of online journalism on government agencies (A study on Jatim newsroom East Java communications and information services)

L Hakim - Jurnal Penelitian Komunikasi dan Opini Publik, 2021 -
Era baru keterbukaan informasi menutut instansi pemerintah menyediakan informasi secara
akurat dan cepat. Jatim Newsroom Dinas Kominfo Jatim menerapkan praktik jurnalisme …

CO2 Emission Reduction Best Practice Option during BisKita Implementation in Bogor City

AW Fitri, AP Widhiani, REP Tjahjono… - … Series: Earth and …, 2023 -
Emissions from transportation activities can cause GHG effects, which cause an increase in
city air temperature. The city of Bogor is working on processing BisKita as mass …

Analisis Pendugaan Stok Karbon Vegetasi Dengan Penginderaan Jauh Menggunakan Metode Light Use Efficiency Di Hutan Penggaron, Kota Ungaran Kabupaten …

N Bashit, S Qoyimah, H Susilo… - … : Jurnal Geodesi dan …, 2023 -
Efek rumah kaca merupakan masalah iklim yang menyebabkan munculnya fenomena
pemanasan global. Stok karbon merupakan eksternalitas yang diperhatikan pada …

Climate Change, Peace, and Language Usage in the United Nations Reports within the ASEAN Style of Multilateralism

RD Adiputri - Indonesian Journal of Social Research, 2023 -
This paper focuses on Indonesia's efforts to tackle peace-related climate change, which
shows the ASEAN style of multilateralism. The multilateralism style of this Southeast Asian …

A Content Analysis on Health Communication of Covid-19 in Online Media From February to July 2021

YAN Prajarto - Jurnal Penelitian Komunikasi dan Opini …, 2021 -
WHO mendeklarasikan wabah COVID-19 menjadi pandemi global dan sebagai PHEIC
(Public Health Emergency of International Concern). Keadaan krisis dan darurat kesehatan …

Syngas production using biomass gasification of downdraft and bubbling fluidized bed

E Rosyadi, P Zuldian, N Rahmawati, A Pertiwi… - AIP Conference …, 2024 -
Biomass gasification technology is currently being actively developed because this process
can produce a syngas which is valuable in the energy and chemical industries. Syngas was …