Simplifying Programming for Non-technical Students: A Hermeneutic Approach

A Valente, E Marchetti - KI-Künstliche Intelligenz, 2022 - Springer
This paper investigates the simplification of programming for non-technical university
students. Typical simplification strategies are outlined, and according to our findings CT …

The global challenge of designing e-learning tools for computational thinking: a comparison between east asia and scandinavia

K Kristensen, E Marchetti, A Valente - International Conference on Human …, 2021 - Springer
In this paper we investigate status and trends in the pedagogy of Computational Thinking
(CT), in Scandinavia and Eastern Asian countries. A more detailed comparison is drawn …

Scaffolding CT via Point-And-Click and P5. js

A Valente, E Marchetti, E Abel - 2023 14th IIAI International …, 2023 -
This paper investigates how to provide meaningful scaffolding to bachelor humanities
students, to enabled them to acquire Computational Thinking (CT) technical skills, and in …

Sandwich robot: how non-programmers solve computational problems

E Marchetti, A Valente, NB Dohn - 2022 12th International …, 2022 -
We are investigating how non-programmers make sense and solve simple computational
problems. We developed a game where a robot has to assemble a sandwich, collecting a …

Pelikehityksen hyödyntäminen ohjelmoinnin opetuksessa

L Pudas - 2024 -
Ohjelmointitaidot ovat oleellinen osa monia tekniikan aloja. Tästä huolimatta näiden taitojen
opiskelu on usein erityisesti aloitteleville opiskelijoille haastavaa. Opeteltavien uusien …

A hermeneutic approach to simplify programming: Secondary education case studies

A Valente, E Marchetti - International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2022 - Springer
A central concern in the field of CT deals with how to simplify programming, to make it
accessible to individuals without a technical background. Although CT should not be only …

MediaLib を用いた初心者大学生向けのプログラミング授業の設計と実施

陸忞, 王静芸, 有川正俊, 佐藤諒 - 第85 回全国大会講演論文集, 2023 -
論文抄録 近年, プログラミング教育は中等教育での必修化が進んでいる. しかし,
高等教育においては, 学部低年次の学生は依然としてプログラミング初心者が大多数である …