Thermal dilatation in functional tolerancing

S Benichou, B Anselmetti - Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2011 - Elsevier
Functional tolerancing is classically based onto dimension chains to respect functional
requirements. Tolerance synthesis deals with dimensions optimization in order to maximize …

Critical operating conditions for assemblies with parameter-dependent dimensions

A Armillotta, Q Semeraro - Proceedings of the Institution of …, 2013 -
This article deals with the analysis of tolerances for an assembly that is bound to meet some
functional requirements over a specified range of operating parameters (eg temperature …

Geometrical study of assembly behaviour, taking into accounts rigid components' deviations, actual geometric variations and deformations

G Cid, F Thiebaut, P Bourdet, H Falgarone - Models for Computer Aided …, 2007 - Springer
Simulations of mechanisms' geometrical behaviour is a topical industrial need. Thanks to
these simulations, gain of time during design and assembly stages can be important. We …

Assembly simulation of flexible parts through the fitting of linkage devices

B Pierre, F Thiebaut, L Claire, F Benoit… - 10th CIRP conference …, 2007 -
In aeronautics the component compliance makes assemblies widely over-constrained, and
the assembly process consists in adjusting linkage devices in order to satisfy functional …

ISO Tolerancing of hyperstatic mechanical systems with deformation control

O Rouetbi, L Pierre, B Anselmetti, H Denoix - Advances on Mechanics …, 2017 - Springer
The functional tolerancing of hyperstatic mechanisms provides contractual documents
established following the ISO tolerancing. The tolerancing methodologies consider that the …

Tolérancement modal: de la métrologie vers les spécifications

H Favreliere - 2009 -
La définition d'un produit fait appel à l'utilisation d'un langage établi entre les acteurs
intervenant dans le cycle de vie du produit: concepteur, fabricant et métrologue. Il peut s' …

Computational methodology for the prediction of functional requirement variations across the product life-cycle

G Mandil, A Desrochers, A Rivière - arXiv preprint arXiv:0905.0775, 2009 -
The great majority of engineered products are subject to thermo-mechanical loads which
vary with the product environment during the various phases of its life-cycle (machining …

[HTML][HTML] Tolérancement et analyse des structures au service des systèmes souples et du défaut de forme

S Samper - 2007 -
-Les études des dispersions dans les systèmes mécaniques se font usuellement en faisant
l'hypothèse de la rigidité des composants. Les outils issus de la théorie des mécanismes …

Framework for the monitoring of functional requirements along the product life cycle

G Mandil, A Desrochers, A Rivière - 6ème Conférence" Conception et …, 2009 -
Framework for the Monitoring of Functional Requirements Along the Product Life Cycle Page 1
HAL Id: hal-00426416 Submitted on 26 Oct 2009 HAL is a …

Intégration du comportement thermomécanique des pièces dans l'analyse des spécifications géométriques: application à une turbine de moteur d'hélicoptère

L Pierre - 2011 -
La performance d'un moteur d'hélicoptère est fortement corrélée à la performance de la
turbine haute pression, et plus particulièrement à l'influence des différents composants …