SCI 收录期刊的影响因子与2 年自被引率的历年变化与分析——兼谈加菲尔德期刊自引率论断的时效性

金铁成 - 中国科技期刊研究, 2019 -
[目的] 全面揭示SCI 收录期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor, IF) 与2 年自被引率(Self-Cited Rate,
SCR 2) 20 年来的变化趋势, 从宏观上考察SCI 收录期刊的自引情况.[方法] 以1997—2016 …


翁嘉敏, 孙昌朋, 林萍, 郎朗, 陈望忠 - 中国科技期刊研究, 2019 -
[目的] 分析医学综合类期刊红点指标与其他21 项期刊评价指标的相关性, 探讨提高期刊红点指标
的有效途径.[方法] 选取2018 年版《 中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》 的医学综合类期刊(共41 …


郭佳, 刘雪立, 申小曼, 申蓝 - 中国科技期刊研究, 2021 -
[目的] 探讨我国眼科学期刊自引率(Rate of Self-citing; R RSC-ing) 与自被引率(Rate of Self-
cited; R RSC-ed) 的关系及演进趋势, 分析期刊自引程度, 以了解我国眼科学期刊引文行为的 …

Yearly changes and analysis of impact factors and two-year self-cited rates of SCI journals: A discussion on timeliness of journal self-citation thesis of Eugene Garfield

JIN Tiecheng - Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2019 -
[Purposes] This paper aims to entirely reveal the changing trend of impact factors (IF) and
two-year self-cited rates (SCR 2) of SCI journals over 20 years, and examine the self-citation …

我国SSCI 收录期刊影响因子相关自被引率的国际对比研究

方红玲 - 中国科技期刊研究, 2019 -
[目的] 分析我国SSCI 收录期刊影响因子相关自被引率(Self-Cited Rate in Correlation with
Impact Factor, SCR-IF) 的状况, 为我国SSCI 收录期刊今后发展提供参考.[方法] 以我国和G7 …

Correlation of red point factor and journal evaluation indicators: Taking medical comprehensive journals for examples

W Jiamin, SUN Changpeng, LIN Ping, L Lang… - Chinese Journal of …, 2019 -
[Purposes] This paper aims to investigate the correlation between red point factor and other
21 evaluation indicators in medical comprehensive journals and discuss the effective ways …

Comparison between self-cited rate in correlation with impact factor of SSCI journals from China and other countries

F Hongling - Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2019 -
[Purposes] This paper aims to analyze the status quo of self-cited rate in correlation with
impact factor (SCR-IF) of Chinese journals indexed in SSCI database, and further interpret …

[引用][C] 8 种人兽共患病病原生物学相关期刊评价指标的比较与分析

张智芳, 王晓欢, 梁小洁, 黄丰, 林丹, 严延生 - 中国人兽共患病学报, 2018