Let's talk about digital learners in the digital era

EE Gallardo-Echenique, L Marqués-Molías… - International Review of …, 2015 - erudit.org
This paper reports on a literature review of the concept of “Digital Natives” and related terms.
More specifically, it reports on the idea of a homogeneous generation of prolific and skilled …

Factors propelling the adoption of m-learning among students in higher education

JAL Yeap, T Ramayah, P Soto-Acosta - Electronic Markets, 2016 - Springer
University students seem primed for mobile learning (m-learning) given their affinity with
technology and the ubiquity of mobile computing devices on campuses. However such …

[HTML][HTML] Digital natives in the scientific literature: A topic modeling approach

P Mertala, S López-Pernas, H Vartiainen… - Computers in Human …, 2024 - Elsevier
The term “digital natives” was introduced in 2001 to describe a generation that has grown up
surrounded by technology and the internet. The accompanying claims of a new way of …

[PDF][PDF] Students in higher education: Social and academic uses of digital technology

EEG Echenique, LM Molías… - RUSC …, 2015 - educationaltechnologyjournal …
This article presents the results of an in-depth interview of twenty Education students at a
public face-to-face university in Catalonia on how they use digital technologies in their social …

Edmodo-based blended learning media in learning mathematics

Y Helsa, AK Kenedi - Journal of Teaching and Learning in …, 2019 - jtlee.ejournal.unri.ac.id
This research is motivated by the need of a media that can support student teachers in
elementary teacher education in learning mathematics. Therefore, the purpose of this study …

[PDF][PDF] Hablemos de estudiantes digitales y no de nativos digitales

EEG Echenique - Universitas Tarraconensis. Revista de Ciències de l' …, 2012 - raco.cat
En el presente artículo, se analiza el contexto de la discusión sobre los “nativosdigitales” y
su competencia digital. De la revisión literaria, dos conclusiones sepueden extraer. En …

The fast-paced iPad revolution: Can educators stay up to date and relevant about these ubiquitous devices?

DCC Peluso - British Journal of Educational Technology, 2012 - search.ebscohost.com
The article discusses the use of iPad tablet computers in education, with particular focus
given to the challenges faced by educators and educational policy makers in keeping up to …

[HTML][HTML] Consumo informativo y competencias digitales de estudiantes de periodismo de Colombia, Perú y Venezuela

LM Romero-Rodríguez, I Aguaded - Convergencia, 2016 - scielo.org.mx
El objeto del presente artículo es profundizar en los hábitos de consumo informativo que se
perfilan en estudiantes del grado de comunicación en Colombia, Perú y Venezuela, en …

Designing curriculum to shape professional social media skills and identity in virtual communities of practice

J Novakovich, S Miah, S Shaw - Computers & Education, 2017 - Elsevier
A broad range of professional communicators employ social media as a professional
practice; however research indicates that it has yet to become a prevalent component in …

Capturing the invisible: Non-institutional technologies in undergraduate learning within three New Zealand universities

Q Liu, T Gladman, C Grove, S Eberhard… - The Internet and Higher …, 2023 - Elsevier
Research in Internet-enabled learning tends to focus on technologies implemented by
institutions or staff. In reality, students learn with technologies that go beyond institutional …