The concept of migratory careers: Elements for a new theoretical perspective of contemporary human mobility
M Martiniello, A Rea - Current Sociology, 2014 -
The article offers a relatively new theoretical framework articulating macro, meso and micro
levels of analysis of the migration process, which often are disconnected in the sociology of …
levels of analysis of the migration process, which often are disconnected in the sociology of …
Social networks and feelings of social loneliness after migration: The case of European migrants with a native partner in Belgium
S Koelet, HAG de Valk - Ethnicities, 2016 -
This paper studies the social networks and feelings of social loneliness of a group of
migrants that, because of their European origins and their mixed relations with a native …
migrants that, because of their European origins and their mixed relations with a native …
Back to reality: The complex relationship between patterns in immigration news coverage and real-world developments in Dutch and Flemish newspapers (1999 …
Although prior studies investigating immigration news typically documented a dominant
focus on negativity and threats, only limited empirical research is available, which …
focus on negativity and threats, only limited empirical research is available, which …
Social embeddedness in a harmonized Europe: The social networks of European migrants with a native partner in Belgium and the Netherlands
Although intra‐European migration is often considered relatively easy to realize given
European citizens' right to freedom of movement, settlement in another European country …
European citizens' right to freedom of movement, settlement in another European country …
Tone matters: Effects of exposure to positive and negative tone of television news stories on anti-immigrant attitudes and carry-over effects to uninvolved immigrant …
L Jacobs, M Van der Linden - International Journal of Public …, 2018 -
The current experimental study (N= 546) compares the effect of exposure to a television
news story with a positive and negative tone on anti-immigrant attitudes and carry-over …
news story with a positive and negative tone on anti-immigrant attitudes and carry-over …
Les nouvelles figures du travailleur immigré: fragmentation des statuts d'emploi et européanisation des migrations
A Rea - Revue européenne des migrations internationales, 2013 -
Bien que la rhétorique politique insiste depuis plus de quarante ans sur la fin de
l'immigration de travail, la Belgique comme de nombreux autres pays européens connaît un …
l'immigration de travail, la Belgique comme de nombreux autres pays européens connaît un …
Migration policy reforms in the context of economic and political crises: the case of Belgium
S Gsir, JM Lafleur, M Stanek - The Global Economic Crisis and …, 2018 -
A body of literature has examined the role of 'crises' on policy-making. Yet, we observe that
endogenous or exogenous events called 'crisis-events' are often randomly chosen as …
endogenous or exogenous events called 'crisis-events' are often randomly chosen as …
Carrières migratoires des femmes latino-américaines dans le secteur de la domesticité à Bruxelles
A Freitas, M Godin - Revue européenne des migrations internationales, 2013 -
L'article analyse les parcours migratoires des femmes migrantes venues d'Amérique latine
(du Brésil et de l'Équateur particulièrement) et insérées dans le secteur de la domesticité …
(du Brésil et de l'Équateur particulièrement) et insérées dans le secteur de la domesticité …
[PDF][PDF] Immigrant integration and multiculturalism in Belgium
M Martiniello - Challenging multiculturalism: European models of …, 2013 -
Belgium's immigration policy, together with the integration policies of the units of the federal
state, have been the subject of extensive academic research (Martiniello 1996). But the link …
state, have been the subject of extensive academic research (Martiniello 1996). But the link …
[图书][B] Youth justice and migration: Discursive harms
O Petintseva - 2018 -
This book examines the implications of the professional and judicial discourses on migrant
youth in the Belgian youth justice system. Drawing on a detailed study of 55 court case files …
youth in the Belgian youth justice system. Drawing on a detailed study of 55 court case files …