Challenges and innovations of drug delivery in older age
MS Khan, MS Roberts - Advanced drug delivery reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
Both drug delivery performance and various age-related physical, mental and physiological
changes can affect drug effectiveness and safety in elderly patients. The many drug delivery …
changes can affect drug effectiveness and safety in elderly patients. The many drug delivery …
Socioecological correlates of Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) hydration status at Gombe National Park, Tanzania
RS Nelson, R Bosha, D Mwacha, KA Terio… - Journal of …, 2024 -
Maintaining water balance is imperative for organismal survival. Various socioecological
conditions such as sex, reproductive state, and dominance rank can impact water intake and …
conditions such as sex, reproductive state, and dominance rank can impact water intake and …
Association of serum bilirubin with longevity: Evidence from a retrospective longitudinal study and cross-sectional data
P Chmielewski, B Strzelec… - Anthropological …, 2017 -
Bilirubin is a potent antioxidant and an important anti-inflammatory factor. Therefore, there
has been an increasing focus on serum bilirubin as a negative risk factor of cardiovascular …
has been an increasing focus on serum bilirubin as a negative risk factor of cardiovascular …
Yaşlılarda geriatrik sendromlardan biri olan kırılganlık ve hemşirelik bakımı
S Kalyoncuo - Black Sea Journal of Health Science, 2023 -
Yaşlılık dönemi fizyolojik anlamda bir dizi değişikliğin meydana geldiği normal bir yaşam
dönemidir. Yaşlılığa özgü pek çok sağlık sorunu bulunmakla birlikte yaşlanma sürecine …
dönemidir. Yaşlılığa özgü pek çok sağlık sorunu bulunmakla birlikte yaşlanma sürecine …
Dietary acid load, keseimbangan asam basa tubuh dan resistensi insulin pada remaja obesitas
NR Ramadhan, HS Wijayanti - Journal of Nutrition College, 2017 -
Abstract Latar Belakang: Obesitas pada kelompok usia remaja telah menjadi salah satu
masalah kesehatan yang menunjukkan peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Obesitas telah …
masalah kesehatan yang menunjukkan peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Obesitas telah …
Altersabhängige bzw. krankheitsassoziierte Veränderungen der Organsysteme und die Wirkung der medizinischen Trainingstherapie
S Wolfram, R Bauer - Evidenzbasierte medizinische Trainingstherapie, 2024 - Springer
In diesem aufschlussreichen dritten Kapitel entfaltet sich eine umfassende Analyse darüber,
wie Alterung und Krankheiten unsere lebenswichtigen Organsysteme beeinflussen und wie …
wie Alterung und Krankheiten unsere lebenswichtigen Organsysteme beeinflussen und wie …
A Life Course Approach to Understanding Urinary Incontinence in Later Life
T Wongvibul - Advances in Family Practice …, 2023 - advancesinfamilypracticenursing …
UI is a condition, which can occur in both men and women across the life span. The
prevalence of UI generally increases with age because age is often associated with factors …
prevalence of UI generally increases with age because age is often associated with factors …
Urine Color Analysis of Hydration Status in Employees Working in Bandung, Indonesia
LK Hauteas, R Supriyadi… - Althea Medical Journal, 2020 -
Background: Dehydration can be compensated for by the body. However, if it occurs
persistently, it can cause concentration problems, thermoregulation disorders, kidney …
persistently, it can cause concentration problems, thermoregulation disorders, kidney …
[PDF][PDF] Black Sea Journal of Health Science
Old age is a normal period of life in which a series of physiological changes occur. Although
there are many health problems specific to aging, one of the most important problems that …
there are many health problems specific to aging, one of the most important problems that …
NR Ramadhan -
Resistensi insulin didefinisikan sebagai kondisi klinis dengan kemunduran potensi insulin
baik endogen maupun eksogen untuk meningkatkan pengambilan glukosa dan …
baik endogen maupun eksogen untuk meningkatkan pengambilan glukosa dan …