Spectral Invariance of -Representations of Twisted Convolution Algebras with Applications in Gabor Analysis

A Austad - Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 2021 - Springer
We show spectral invariance for faithful∗-representations for a class of twisted convolution
algebras. More precisely, if G is a locally compact group with a continuous 2-cocycle c for …

Groupoids and Hermitian Banach*-algebras

A Austad, E Ortega - International Journal of Mathematics, 2022 - World Scientific
We study when the twisted groupoid Banach*-algebra L 1 (𝒢, σ) is Hermitian. In particular,
we prove that Hermitian groupoids satisfy the weak containment property. Furthermore, we …

Gabor duality theory for Morita equivalent -algebras

A Austad, MS Jakobsen, F Luef - International Journal of …, 2020 - World Scientific
The duality principle for Gabor frames is one of the pillars of Gabor analysis. We establish a
far-reaching generalization to Morita equivalence bimodules with some extra properties. For …

Metaplectic Transformations for Gabor Frames and Equivalence Bimodules

M Gjertsen - 2023 - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
Målet med denne avhandlingen er å presentere og utforske en symplektisk tilnærming til
gaboranalyse–gaboranalyse er et emne innen tid-frekvens-analyse som er nært knyttet …

[HTML][HTML] Smooth lattice orbits of nilpotent groups and strict comparison of projections

E Bédos, U Enstad, JT van Velthoven - Journal of Functional Analysis, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper provides sufficient density conditions for the existence of smooth vectors
generating a frame or Riesz sequence in the lattice orbit of a square-integrable projective …

Localised module frames and Wannier bases from groupoid Morita equivalences

C Bourne, B Mesland - Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 2021 - Springer
Following the operator algebraic approach to Gabor analysis, we construct frames of
translates for the Hilbert space localisation of the Morita equivalence bimodule arising from …

[HTML][HTML] The Balian–Low theorem for locally compact abelian groups and vector bundles

U Enstad - Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2020 - Elsevier
Let Λ be a lattice in a second countable, locally compact abelian group G with annihilator
Λ⊥⊆ G ˆ. We investigate the validity of the following statement: For every η in the …

On Modulation and Translation Invariant Operators and the Heisenberg Module

A Lamando, H McNulty - arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.09119, 2024 - arxiv.org
We investigate spaces of operators which are invariant under translations or modulations by
lattices in phase space. The natural connection to the Heisenberg module is considered …

Modulation spaces as a smooth structure in noncommutative geometry

A Austad, F Luef - Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2021 - Springer
We demonstrate how to construct spectral triples for twisted group C^* C∗-algebras of
lattices in phase space of a second-countable locally compact abelian group using a class …

Interpolation in wavelet spaces and the HRT-conjecture

E Berge - Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and …, 2021 - Springer
We investigate the wavelet spaces W _ g (H _ π) ⊂ L^ 2 (G) W g (H π)⊂ L 2 (G) arising from
square integrable representations π: G → U (H _ π) π: G→ U (H π) of a locally compact …