Outlier detection and comparison of origin-destination flows using data depth

MH Jeong, J Yin, S Wang - 10th International Conference on …, 2018 - drops.dagstuhl.de
Advances in location-aware technology have resulted in massive trajectory data. Origin-
destination (OD) trajectories provide rich information on urban flow and transport demand …

Visual Analytic Design for Contextualising Sensor Data

J Wood - 2016 - openaccess.city.ac.uk
The design choices behind a visual analytic system for monitoring a geosensor network are
described and justified. Sparse spatial but fine-grained temporal data drive the layout …

Stepping stone graph for public movement analysis

S Kannangara, E Tanin, A Harwood… - Proceedings of the 26th …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
There are many real world applications that require to identify movement of users such as
identifying movement corridors, most popular paths, and nearest neighbours. If one is not …

[PDF][PDF] Algorithms for Context-Aware Trajectory Analysis

BA Custers - 2022 - research.tue.nl
Movement is an omnipresent phenomenon in our lives. Arguably, movement is what de nes
us as human beings and allowed us to connect cultures, trade across the globe, and go …

Route Reconstruction from Traffic Flow via Representative Trajectories

B Custers, W Meulemans, B Speckmann… - Proceedings of the 29th …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Understanding human mobility patterns is an important aspect of traffic analysis and urban
planning. Trajectory data provide detailed views on specific routes, but typically do not …

Stepping stone graph: A graph for finding movement corridors using sparse trajectories

S Kannangara, E Tanin, A Harwood… - ACM Transactions on …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
There are many real world applications that require identifying public movements such as
identifying movement corridors in cities and most popular paths. If one is not given user …

[PDF][PDF] Decentralized algorithms for monitoring moving objects with geosensor networks

J Yeoman - 2020 - researchrepository.rmit.edu.au
I am deeply grateful to my senior supervisor, Prof Matt Duckham, for his support, guidance,
and humor throughout, and for creating such an inspiring and encouraging research …