Statistical analysis for change detection and trend assessment in climatological parameters

RK Jaiswal, AK Lohani, HL Tiwari - Environmental Processes, 2015 - Springer
Considering the importance of climatic variability on availability of water, irrigation demand,
crop yield and other areas of life, an assessment of change detection and trend on monthly …

Assessing the impact of climate change on water resources in Iran

KC Abbaspour, M Faramarzi… - Water resources …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
As water resources become further stressed due to increasing levels of societal demand,
understanding the effect of climate change on various components of the water cycle is of …

Changes in streamflow and sediment discharge and the response to human activities in the middle reaches of the Yellow River

P Gao, XM Mu, F Wang, R Li - Hydrology and Earth System …, 2011 -
The changes in streamflow and sediment discharge in the middle reaches of the Yellow
River are a focus. In this paper, based on the precipitation, streamflow and sediment …

A multiscale and multivariate analysis of precipitation and streamflow variability in relation to ENSO, NAO and PDO

D Nalley, J Adamowski, A Biswas, B Gharabaghi… - Journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
A number of past studies have investigated the influence of various teleconnections–such as
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Pacific …

A two‐parameter climate elasticity of streamflow index to assess climate change effects on annual streamflow

G Fu, SP Charles, FHS Chiew - Water Resources Research, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
This study extends the single parameter precipitation elasticity of streamflow index into a two
parameter climate elasticity index, as a function of both precipitation and temperature, in …

Temporal variation of extreme rainfall events in China, 1961–2009

G Fu, J Yu, X Yu, R Ouyang, Y Zhang, P Wang, W Liu… - Journal of …, 2013 - Elsevier
The spatial and temporal variability of the frequency of extreme precipitation events in China
for 1961–2009 was examined using the high quality rainfall dataset provided by the China …

Assessments of impacts of climate change and human activities on runoff with SWAT for the Huifa River Basin, Northeast China

A Zhang, C Zhang, G Fu, B Wang, Z Bao… - Water resources …, 2012 - Springer
The impacts of climate change and human activates on the runoff for Huifa River Basin,
Northeast China, have been investigated with the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) …

Remote sensing temporal and spatial patterns of evapotranspiration and the responses to water management in a large irrigation district of North China

Y Yang, S Shang, L Jiang - Agricultural and forest meteorology, 2012 - Elsevier
To deal with water resources crisis caused by climate change and intensified human
activities, the Hetao Irrigation District of Inner Mongolia in North China has been …

Linkages between ENSO/PDO signals and precipitation, streamflow in China during the last 100 years

R Ouyang, W Liu, G Fu, C Liu, L Hu… - Hydrology and Earth …, 2014 -
This paper investigates the single and combined impacts of El Niño–Southern Oscillation
(ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) on precipitation and streamflow in China …

Innovative trend methodology applications to precipitation records in Turkey

A Öztopal, Z Şen - Water resources management, 2017 - Springer
There are trend identification methodologies in the literature but they have three crucial
points that should be cared with great attention in practical applications. These points are …