Instrumented wound closure device

A Belson, EC Driscoll Jr, E Storne… - US Patent 10,888,269, 2021 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A wound or incision closure apparatus comprises a first and second panel.
Each of the panels comprises a bottom adhe sive layer, a medial substrate layer, and an …

Rapid closing surgical closure device

A Belson, B Beckey, JJ Leary - US Patent 9,179,914, 2015 - Google Patents
6,007,564 6,126,615 6,176,868 7,361,185 7,455,681 7,511,185 7,641,682 7,645,285
7,799,042 8,246,590 8.439, 945 9,050,086 2002fOO993. 15 2003. O163160 2004/0204740 …

Formation of itraconazole–succinic acid cocrystals by gas antisolvent cocrystallization

CA Ober, RB Gupta - Aaps Pharmscitech, 2012 - Springer
Cocrystals of itraconazole, an antifungal drug with poor bioavailability, and succinic acid, a
water-soluble dicarboxylic acid, were formed by gas antisolvent (GAS) cocrystallization …

Surgical incision and closure apparatus

A Belson, E Storne, A Schaer, P Rathi, K Ichiryu… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
Rosati (57) ABSTRACT An apparatus for closing a Surgical incision comprises left and right
base panels, a plurality of closure components, and a plurality of left and right axial Supports …

Systems and methods for monitoring physical therapy of the knee and other joints

A Belson, K Ichiryu, Z Kimura, M Shughart… - US Patent …, 2021 - Google Patents
Systems, devices, and methods for post-surgical joint range of motion measurement, activity
monitoring, as well as monitoring compliance with post-operative extremity eleva tion and …

Nicotine salts, co-crystals, and salt co-crystal complexes

GM Dull, A Carr, E Sharp - US Patent 9,738,622, 2017 - Google Patents
7. 935, 817 B2 8, 058, 437 B2 8, 163, 790 B2 8, 173, 625 B2 8, 197, 592 B2 8, 212, 079 B2
8, 241, 371 B2 8, 350, 085 B2 8, 415, 507 B2 8, 466, 280 B2 8, 470, 832 B2 8, 513, 236 B2 …

Microencapsulation of amorphous solid dispersions of fenretinide enhances drug solubility and release from PLGA in vitro and in vivo

K Nieto, SR Mallery, SP Schwendeman - International journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
The purpose of this study was to develop solid dispersions of fenretinide (4HPR),
incorporate them into poly (lactic-co-glycolic)(PLGA) millicylindrical implants, and evaluate …

Nutraceutical co-crystal compositions

M Zaworotko, H Clarke, A Kapildev… - US Patent App. 12 …, 2010 - Google Patents
Co-crystals comprising at least one nutraceutical compound and at least one co-crystal
former With or Without impurities. These co-crystals may be included in compositions (option …

Methods and compositions for treating conditions associated with an abnormal inflammatory responses

GD Glick, L Franchi, G Santus - US Patent 10,292,951, 2019 - Google Patents
2017-09-26 Assigned to FIRST WAVE BIO, INC. reassignment FIRST WAVE BIO, INC.

Surgical incision and closure apparatus

A Belson, E Storne, A Schaer, P Rathi, K Ichiryu… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
An apparatus for closing a Surgical incision comprises left and right base panels, a plurality
of closure components, and a plurality of left and right axial Supports coupled to the …