Create teaching creativity through training management, effectiveness training, and teacher quality in the covid-19 pandemic

H Tamsah, JB Ilyas, Y Yusriadi - Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 2021 - JSTOR
Using an online survey, the study examined creativity in adapting the teaching and learning
model during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The research used an online survey of …

Dynamic taxation

S Stantcheva - Annual Review of Economics, 2020 -
This article reviews recent advances in the study of dynamic taxation, considering three
main approaches: the dynamic Mirrlees, the parametric Ramsey, and the sufficient statistics …

Optimal taxation and human capital policies over the life cycle

S Stantcheva - Journal of Political Economy, 2017 -
This paper derives optimal income tax and human capital policies in a life cycle model with
risky human capital. The government faces asymmetric information regarding agents' ability …

Student loans and repayment: Theory, evidence, and policy

L Lochner, A Monge-Naranjo - Handbook of the Economics of Education, 2016 - Elsevier
Rising costs of and returns to college have led to sizeable increases in the demand for
student loans in many countries. In the USA, student loan default rates have also risen for …

On the optimal provision of social insurance: Progressive taxation versus education subsidies in general equilibrium

D Krueger, A Ludwig - Journal of Monetary Economics, 2016 - Elsevier
In this paper we compute the optimal tax and education policy transition in an economy
where progressive taxes provide social insurance against idiosyncratic wage risk, but distort …

Optimal progressive labor income taxation and education subsidies when education decisions and intergenerational transfers are endogenous

D Krueger, A Ludwig - American Economic Review, 2013 -
We quantitatively characterize the optimal mix of progressive income taxes and education
subsidies in a model with endogenous human capital formation, borrowing constraints …

Does the cream always rise to the top? The misallocation of talent in innovation

MA Celik - Journal of Monetary Economics, 2023 - Elsevier
The misallocation of talent in innovation–“missing Einsteins”–has a first-order impact on
growth and welfare. Surname-level empirical analysis combining inventor and census micro …

Education and optimal dynamic taxation: The role of income-contingent student loans

S Findeisen, D Sachs - Journal of Public Economics, 2016 - Elsevier
We study the optimal design of integrated education finance and tax systems. The
distribution of wages is endogenously determined by the costly education decisions of …

Policy implications of dynamic public finance

M Golosov, A Tsyvinski - Annual Review of Economics, 2015 -
The dynamic public finance literature underwent significant changes over the past decade.
This research agenda has now reached a stage at which it is able to analyze the design of …

Optimal need-based financial aid

M Colas, S Findeisen, D Sachs - Journal of Political …, 2021 -
We study the optimal design of student financial aid as a function of parental income. We
derive optimal financial aid formulas in a general model. We estimate a model of selection …