[图书][B] Passive, causative, and light verbs: A study on theta role assignment

H Hoshi - 1994 - search.proquest.com
In the enterprise of generative grammar, it has been considered desirable to minimize
assumptions and eliminate redundancy. Following this tradition, Chomsky (1992) proposed …

[图书][B] L'ascens dels clítics: reestructuració i control

A Paradís Pérez - 2019 - ddd.uab.cat
Aquesta tesi gira a l'entorn del fenomen de l'ascens dels clítics (AC) i la correlació que
estableix amb la reestructuració i el control. Els tres objectius principals són: delimitar l'abast …

[图书][B] Defective causative and perception verb constructions in Romance: A minimalist approach to infinitival and subjunctive clauses

E Ciutescu - 2019 - ddd.uab.cat
Aquesta tesi explora aspectes de la variació microparamètrica que es troba en la
complementació defectiva dels verbs causatius i de percepció en les llengües romàniques …

On the status of transfer in adult third language acquisition of early bilinguals

J González Alonso, E Puig-Mayenco, A Fábregas… - PloS one, 2021 - journals.plos.org
The study of linguistic transfer—understood here in terms of the copying of previous
linguistic representations—seeks to reveal how domain-relevant prior language knowledge …

A Cyclic Agree account of the Romance faire–infinitive causative: New evidence from Catalan

A Pineda, M Sheehan - Syntax, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Catalan, like Italian and French, displays (notwithstanding certain complications) a
pattern in causatives under facere such that the causee can be realized as dative only …

Clitic Climbing and Presuppositional Negative Markers in Occitano-Romance Verbal Complexes. Exploring the Crossroads of Micro-Syntactic Phenomena

A Llop, A Paradís - Catalan Journal of Linguistics, 2023 - revistes.uab.cat
In this paper we propose that verbal clusters with restructuring verbs contain a defective
embedded clausal boundary. Additionally, this paper constitutes a methodological and …

Causative and perception verbs

M Labelle - Manual of Romance morphosyntax and syntax, 2017 - degruyter.com
In Romance languages, causative and perception verbs are found in a biclausal Exceptional
Case Marking (ECM) construction and in two monoclausal faire faire constructions, faire …

When restructuring and clause union meet in Catalan and beyond

A Pineda, M Sheehan - Catalan journal of linguistics, 2022 - revistes.uab.cat
This paper considers what happens when clause union meets restructuring by examining
contexts where the causative FACERE verb takes a restructuring verb as its complement in …

[PDF][PDF] Case, incorporation, and economy: An approach to causative constructions

X Villalba - Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics, 1992 - raco.cat
2 It might be argued that the discussion is not on the correct track. As Baker (1988) suggests.
notions such as' subject'or'object'cannot be further considered as primitives of the theory …

Micro-parametric variation in Romance causative constructions

E Ciutescu - Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, 2013 - ceeol.com
The paper deals with the syntax of analytic causative constructions with infinitival and
subjunctive complementation. The study puts special emphasis on the syntactic position of …