Science of science

S Fortunato, CT Bergstrom, K Börner, JA Evans… - Science, 2018 -
BACKGROUND The increasing availability of digital data on scholarly inputs and outputs—
from research funding, productivity, and collaboration to paper citations and scientist mobility …

The science of science: From the perspective of complex systems

A Zeng, Z Shen, J Zhou, J Wu, Y Fan, Y Wang… - Physics reports, 2017 - Elsevier
The science of science (SOS) is a rapidly developing field which aims to understand,
quantify and predict scientific research and the resulting outcomes. The problem is …

[HTML][HTML] The h-index is no longer an effective correlate of scientific reputation

V Koltun, D Hafner - PLoS One, 2021 -
The impact of individual scientists is commonly quantified using citation-based measures.
The most common such measure is the h-index. A scientist's h-index affects hiring …

Quantifying the evolution of individual scientific impact

R Sinatra, D Wang, P Deville, C Song, AL Barabási - Science, 2016 -
INTRODUCTION In most areas of human performance, from sport to engineering, the path to
a major accomplishment requires a steep learning curve and long practice. Science is not …

Bibliometrics: tracking research impact by selecting the appropriate metrics

A Agarwal, D Durairajanayagam… - Asian journal of …, 2016 -
Traditionally, the success of a researcher is assessed by the number of publications he or
she publishes in peer-reviewed, indexed, high impact journals. This essential yardstick …

The Matthew effect in empirical data

M Perc - Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2014 -
The Matthew effect describes the phenomenon that in societies, the rich tend to get richer
and the potent even more powerful. It is closely related to the concept of preferential …

Ranking in evolving complex networks

H Liao, MS Mariani, M Medo, YC Zhang, MY Zhou - Physics Reports, 2017 - Elsevier
Complex networks have emerged as a simple yet powerful framework to represent and
analyze a wide range of complex systems. The problem of ranking the nodes and the edges …

Reputation and impact in academic careers

AM Petersen, S Fortunato, RK Pan… - Proceedings of the …, 2014 - National Acad Sciences
Reputation is an important social construct in science, which enables informed quality
assessments of both publications and careers of scientists in the absence of complete …

The advantage of short paper titles

A Letchford, HS Moat, T Preis - Royal Society open …, 2015 -
Vast numbers of scientific articles are published each year, some of which attract
considerable attention, and some of which go almost unnoticed. Here, we investigate …

Early indicators of scientific impact: Predicting citations with altmetrics

AP Akella, H Alhoori, PR Kondamudi, C Freeman… - Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Identifying important scholarly literature at an early stage is vital to the academic research
community and other stakeholders such as technology companies and government bodies …