Computing quantum dynamics in the semiclassical regime
C Lasser, C Lubich - Acta Numerica, 2020 -
The semiclassically scaled time-dependent multi-particle Schrödinger equation describes,
inter alia, quantum dynamics of nuclei in a molecule. It poses the combined computational …
inter alia, quantum dynamics of nuclei in a molecule. It poses the combined computational …
Theory of trotter error with commutator scaling
The Lie-Trotter formula, together with its higher-order generalizations, provides a direct
approach to decomposing the exponential of a sum of operators. Despite significant effort …
approach to decomposing the exponential of a sum of operators. Despite significant effort …
Towards quantum computing phase diagrams of gauge theories with thermal pure quantum states
The phase diagram of strong interactions in nature at finite temperature and chemical
potential remains largely theoretically unexplored due to inadequacy of Monte-Carlo–based …
potential remains largely theoretically unexplored due to inadequacy of Monte-Carlo–based …
Nearly optimal lattice simulation by product formulas
We consider simulating an n-qubit Hamiltonian with nearest-neighbor interactions evolving
for time t on a quantum computer. We show that this simulation has gate complexity (nt) 1+ o …
for time t on a quantum computer. We show that this simulation has gate complexity (nt) 1+ o …
Time-dependent unbounded Hamiltonian simulation with vector norm scaling
The accuracy of quantum dynamics simulation is usually measured by the error of the
unitary evolution operator in the operator norm, which in turn depends on certain norm of the …
unitary evolution operator in the operator norm, which in turn depends on certain norm of the …
Self-supervised learning with lie symmetries for partial differential equations
Abstract Machine learning for differential equations paves the way for computationally
efficient alternatives to numerical solvers, with potentially broad impacts in science and …
efficient alternatives to numerical solvers, with potentially broad impacts in science and …
Convergence analysis of high-order time-splitting pseudospectral methods for nonlinear Schrödinger equations
M Thalhammer - SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2012 - SIAM
In this work, the issue of favorable numerical methods for the space and time discretization
of low-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equations is addressed. The objective is to …
of low-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equations is addressed. The objective is to …
A generalized finite-difference time-domain scheme for solving nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Recently, we have developed a generalized finite-difference time-domain (G-FDTD) method
for solving the time dependent linear Schrödinger equation. The G-FDTD is explicit and …
for solving the time dependent linear Schrödinger equation. The G-FDTD is explicit and …
Lie-Trotter operator splitting spectral method for linear semiclassical fractional Schrödinger equation
W Wang, Y Huang, J Tang - Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2022 - Elsevier
In this paper the error estimates are derived for Lie-Trotter operator splitting spectral method
for semiclassical linear fractional Schrödinger equation. We first establish a priori estimates …
for semiclassical linear fractional Schrödinger equation. We first establish a priori estimates …
An analysis of over-relaxation in a kinetic approximation of systems of conservation laws
The over-relaxation approach is an alternative to the Jin–Xin relaxation method in order to
apply the equilibrium source term in a more precise way. This is also a key ingredient of the …
apply the equilibrium source term in a more precise way. This is also a key ingredient of the …