[PDF][PDF] Défis, opportunités, impacts et facteurs de succès de la ZLECAf

L Moubarack, S Amaye - Policy Paper, 2022 - policycenter.ma
En mars 2018, les pays membres de l'Union africaine (UA) ont signé l'Accord de Zone de
libre-échange continentale (ZLECAf), lequel vise à atteindre les objectifs généraux suivants …

Covid-19 pandemic and international commerce in Southern Africa: documentary review

KF Aliamutu, M Mkhize - … Journal of Research in Business and …, 2024 - search.proquest.com
International commerce across southern Africa has increased significantly in recent years.
This phenomenon has been replicating what has been happening on the African continent …

The Free Trade Fantasy

C Lopes - The Self-Deception Trap: Exploring the Economic …, 2024 - Springer
Free trade is fêted as a cornerstone of a competitive economy, essential to build prosperous
nations and create socioeconomic benefits. But in Africa, this has not been a universal …

History of Sub-Saharan Africa's Long Journey towards Economic Emancipation: The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and Its Challenges

NJ Simuziya - Africa Review, 2023 - brill.com
The history of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (agoa) ie, the trade partnership
between the us and sub-Saharan African states indicates that the initial Clinton …

African Continental Free Trade Agreement: A review of analyses of likely impacts and challenges of implementation

MA Wassie, L Kornher, J von Braun - 2022 - econstor.eu
African Union member states decided to establish" the African Continental Free Trade Area
(AfCFTA) during the 18th meeting of 2012 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The AfCFTA aims at …

African and Asia-Pacific Regional Trade Agreements: A Comparative Analysis

O Olalekan - AFEBI Economic and Finance Review, 2024 - journal.afebi.org
This study compares the African Continental Free commerce Area (AfCFTA) and the
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) on regional trade, economic …

[PDF][PDF] Economic implications of food-related virtual water trade

B Falsetti - 2022 - tesidottorato.depositolegale.it
Many socio-economic and political factors drive food production, consumption, and trade,
both locally and globally. The amount of food and agricultural products traded on the global …

La zona de libre comercio continental africana y la influencia de China en África

C García García - buleria.unileon.es
[ES] Tras conseguir la independencia, los estados africanos buscan el desarrollo del
continente mediante la armonización y la integración de sus instituciones. En este sentido …

[PDF][PDF] Apport de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine au développement socio-économique de la République Démocratique Du Congo

MMK Hilaire, EK Pierre, BL Bill - ziglobitha.org
la présente recherche a pour objectif de montrer la contribution de la zone de libre-échange
continentale africaine au développement économique et social de la République …

The African Continental Free Trade Area: Opportunities, Threats, and Challenges for Agriculture in Malawi

M Khonje, L Chilora, B Mazimbe, Z Nyirenda… - 2022 - ageconsearch.umn.edu
Malawi faces persistent rural poverty, malnutrition, inequality, and social exclusion, primarily
due to its agro-based economy. The country also struggles with a negative trade balance …