Practice theory and the study of diplomacy: A research agenda
This introductory article explores the multiple synergies between international practice
theory and diplomatic studies. The timing for this cross-fertilizing exchange could not be …
theory and diplomatic studies. The timing for this cross-fertilizing exchange could not be …
Towards a practice turn in EU studies: The everyday of European integration
R Adler‐Nissen - JCMS: journal of common market studies, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
This article explores how practice theory can be recruited for the study of European
integration. New generations of EU researchers are fascinated by the prospect of leaving the …
integration. New generations of EU researchers are fascinated by the prospect of leaving the …
The play of international practice
C Bueger, F Gadinger - International Studies Quarterly, 2015 -
The core claims of the practice turn in International Relations (IR) remain ambiguous. What
promises does international practice theory hold for the field? How does the kind of …
promises does international practice theory hold for the field? How does the kind of …
Gendering the practice turn in diplomacy
C Standfield - European Journal of International Relations, 2020 -
International Relations has developed an exciting new research agenda on diplomatic
practice, drawing largely on the theories of Pierre Bourdieu. However, it largely ignores …
practice, drawing largely on the theories of Pierre Bourdieu. However, it largely ignores …
The purpose of United Nations Security Council practice: Contesting competence claims in the normative context created by the Responsibility to Protect
Practice theory provides important insights into the workings of the Security Council. The
contribution is currently limited, however, by the conjecture that practice theory operates on …
contribution is currently limited, however, by the conjecture that practice theory operates on …
Diplomacy, agency, and the logic of improvisation and virtuosity in practice
J Cornut - European Journal of International Relations, 2018 -
Immersed in the flow of activities, diplomats and other international practitioners are
simultaneously influenced by past experiences and constantly innovating in response to …
simultaneously influenced by past experiences and constantly innovating in response to …
The practice turn in international relations theory
J Cornut - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, 2015 -
In the social sciences, IR included, the study of practices starts from a very simple intuition:
social realities-and international politics-are constituted by human beings acting in and on …
social realities-and international politics-are constituted by human beings acting in and on …
Symbolic power in diplomatic practice: Matters of style in Brussels
M Kuus - Cooperation and conflict, 2015 -
This paper investigates the workings of symbolic power in diplomatic practice. At the level of
empirical observation, it focuses on the intangible and incalculable 'feel for the game'that …
empirical observation, it focuses on the intangible and incalculable 'feel for the game'that …
WhatsApp with diplomatic practices in Geneva? Diplomats, digital technologies, and adaptation in practice
Diplomats in embassies and permanent representations are increasingly using the
messaging application WhatsApp to communicate with their peers. They use WhatsApp …
messaging application WhatsApp to communicate with their peers. They use WhatsApp …
Narrative practice in international politics and diplomacy: the case of the Crimean crisis
A Faizullaev, J Cornut - Journal of International Relations and …, 2017 - Springer
This article analyses international conflicts through defining and discussing narrative
practices. We distinguish various sites where clashes of narratives materialise and specific …
practices. We distinguish various sites where clashes of narratives materialise and specific …