Discursive construction of genuine LGBT refugees

D Akin - 2019 - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
This article discusses the ways in which different discourses construct a genuine LGBT
refugee subject in Norway. In doing so, it problematizes the notion of a predetermined …

Alene og skeiv. En studie av livssituasjonen for skeive enslige mindreårige asylsøkere i omsorgssentre og asylmottak

E Stubberud, D Akin - 2018 - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
Denne rapporten er skrevet av KUN på oppdrag fra Barne-, ungdoms-og familiedirektoratet.
Rapporten inngår som en del av et større samarbeidsprosjekt mellom KUN og Skeiv Verden …

På leting etter trygghet: Integrering av LHBTIQ+-flyktninger i Norge

D Akin, LK Wold, M Stokke, JB Skarli - 2022 - brage.inn.no
Som andre flyktninger må LHBTIQ+-flyktninger håndtere utfordringer knyttet til å komme i
utdanning eller arbeid, samt usikkerhet knyttet til asylsøkerprosessen, men gruppen har …

Queer (ing) Migrations to Iceland: Homo (trans) nationalism, migrant hierarchy, and the politics/sense of (un) belonging

S Guðmundsdóttir - 2024 - opinvisindi.is
This doctoral research examines three distinct but interconnected groups of queer
migrations to Iceland, that is, individuals coming from the Global South, from Central and …

Inclusive Education: A Case Study of Inclusion Through the Eyes of Two (2) Double Minority Students at the University of Oslo

WM Amuzu - 2023 - duo.uio.no
This study delves into the livid experiences of a double minority student at the University of
Oslo. A case study of inclusion through the eyes of a double minority student employs the …

Belonging with a Belief and Leading with a Purpose: through the Lens of Christian Homosexual Leaders in the Church of Norway, The Case of Oslo

B Singh - 2019 - mfopen.mf.no
Western nations have their unique history about the arduous journey of achieving and
institutionalizing the LGBT rights. In the presumed present context of dwindling religiosity …

We are here, but are we queer?: A bricolage of the experiences of LGBTQ refugees in Linköping, Sweden

S Bogaers - 2018 - diva-portal.org
In recent years, the field of queer asylum studies has slowly been expanding in different
contexts across the world, with numerous methodologies and various topics of focus. In …

[引用][C] Language Education for Refugees/Migrants

E Athinaiou