[引用][C] Elinor Ostrom: an intellectual biography

V Tarko - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield

Participatory privacy: How privacy governs community boundaries and inclusion in online social movements

MR Sanfilippo, KJ Strandburg - The Journal of Social Media in Society, 2021 - thejsms.org
Social and political movements increasingly depend on online platforms for coordination,
publicity and communication, and development of knowledge resources. The March for …

Kooperatív közszolgáltatások intézményi megközelítésben

MT Katona - 2023 - phd.lib.uni-corvinus.hu
A dolgozatunk a közjószágok, valamint a közszolgáltatások előállításának kérdéséhez
szeretne hozzájárulni, az állampolgárok, a civil szervezetek és az állam együttműködésének …

Participatory Privacy: How Privacy Governs Community Boundaries and Inclusion in Online Social Movements

M Sanfilippo, KJ Strandburg - Available at SSRN 3546402, 2020 - papers.ssrn.com
Social and political movements increasingly depend on online platforms for coordination,
publicity and communication, and development of knowledge resources. The March for …

Should alternatives to publicly funded policing be considered?: Evidence from the development and consolidation of cattlemen's associations in Texas

K Goodman - 2016 - ttu-ir.tdl.org
Many economists believe the state is essential for supplying public goods, including
policing, because these goods are subject to collective action problems. Therefore, the …