[图书][B] Kapitalistische Geister in der Kultur-und Kreativwirtschaft: Kreative zwischen wirtschaftlichem Zwang und künstlerischem Drang

A Manske - 2015 - degruyter.com
Das vorliegende Buch ist das Ergebnis von umfassenden und langjährigen, empirischen
Beobachtungen sowie theoretischen Deutungen zum Thema künstlerisch-kreative Arbeit im …

Asymmetrical power relations and upgrading among suppliers of global clothing brands: Hugo Boss in Turkey

N Tokatli - 2007 - academic.oup.com
When a relatively powerless clothing supplier encroaches on the core competence of its
dominant network partner and emerges as a competitor in its own right, this calls for detailed …

Global competition, institutional context and regional production networks: Up-and downgrading experiences in Romania's apparel industry

L Plank, C Staritz - … Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2015 - academic.oup.com
Global competition, trade policy and national institutional context are reconfiguring the role
of regional apparel suppliers. By studying the development of Romania's apparel industry …

Networks, firms and upgrading within the blue‐jeans industry: Evidence from Turkey

N Tokatli - Global Networks, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Since the late 1980s, industry characteristics, country‐specific contingencies and
international conditions have come together and turned Turkey into a major exporter of …

Regional trade and production blocs in a global industry: towards a comparative framework for research

J Bair - Environment and Planning A, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
While apparel manufacturing is often considered the quintessential global industry, the
regional dimension of trade and production in the textile and clothing sector is less widely …

Strategische Prozesse und Persistenzen: Pfadabhängige Organisation der Wertschöpfung in der Bekleidungsindustrie

E Schüßler - 2009 - refubium.fu-berlin.de
Welche Handlungsmöglichkeiten haben Unternehmen in Krisenzeiten? Wie stark ist die
Sogwirkung des wirtschaftlichen Niedergangs? So aktuell diese Fragen sind, so alt sind sie …

[PDF][PDF] Reorganization and relocation in the German fashion industry

M Faust, F Weg - … Configurations and Locational Choices of Firms …, 2005 - sofi-goettingen.de
The paper is based on the research project “Globalization and the Future of National
Systems: Relocation and Reorganization in European Economies”, jointly conducted by the …

[图书][B] Komplex und global

M Wortmann - 2008 - Springer
Multinationale Unternehmen werden als machtvolle Akteure charakterisiert, die die
weltweite wirtschaftliche Verflechtung durch ihre internationalen Investitionen vorantreiben …

[PDF][PDF] A low road to investment and labour management?: the labour process at Nordic subsidiaries in the Baltic States

M Sippola - 2009 - jyx.jyu.fi
A low road to investment and labour management? The labour process at Nordic
subsidiaries in the Baltic States Page 1 JYVÄSKYLÄ STUDIES IN EDUCATION …

Inter-firm knowledge management as an integrative mechanism

D Bannink, M Hoogenboom… - Brain Drain Or Brain Gain …, 2011 - books.google.com
Knowledge is a particular resource. It is different from the classical resources of capital and
labour. It is, so to speak, more “fluid” than these other resources. A first important difference …