The highly diverse antiphage defence systems of bacteria

H Georjon, A Bernheim - Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2023 -
Bacteria and their viruses have coevolved for billions of years. This ancient and still ongoing
arms race has led bacteria to develop a vast antiphage arsenal. The development of high …

Interactions between bacterial and phage communities in natural environments

A Chevallereau, BJ Pons, S van Houte… - Nature Reviews …, 2022 -
We commonly acknowledge that bacterial viruses (phages) shape the composition and
evolution of bacterial communities in nature and therefore have important roles in ecosystem …

[PDF][PDF] Phages and their satellites encode hotspots of antiviral systems

F Rousset, F Depardieu, S Miele, J Dowding… - Cell host & …, 2022 -
Bacteria carry diverse genetic systems to defend against viral infection, some of which are
found within prophages where they inhibit competing viruses. Phage satellites pose …

[HTML][HTML] Systematic and quantitative view of the antiviral arsenal of prokaryotes

F Tesson, A Hervé, E Mordret, M Touchon… - Nature …, 2022 -
Bacteria and archaea have developed multiple antiviral mechanisms, and genomic
evidence indicates that several of these antiviral systems co-occur in the same strain. Here …

Bacterial origins of human cell-autonomous innate immune mechanisms

T Wein, R Sorek - Nature Reviews Immunology, 2022 -
The cell-autonomous innate immune system enables animal cells to resist viral infection.
This system comprises an array of sensors that, after detecting viral molecules, activate the …

[HTML][HTML] Direct activation of a bacterial innate immune system by a viral capsid protein

T Zhang, H Tamman, K Coppieters't Wallant, T Kurata… - Nature, 2022 -
Bacteria have evolved diverse immunity mechanisms to protect themselves against the
constant onslaught of bacteriophages,–. Similar to how eukaryotic innate immune systems …

[PDF][PDF] Bacteriophages benefit from mobilizing pathogenicity islands encoding immune systems against competitors

A Fillol-Salom, JT Rostøl, AD Ojiogu, J Chen, G Douce… - Cell, 2022 -
Bacteria encode sophisticated anti-phage systems that are diverse and versatile and display
high genetic mobility. How this variability and mobility occurs remains largely unknown …

The evolutionary success of regulated cell death in bacterial immunity

F Rousset, R Sorek - Current opinion in microbiology, 2023 - Elsevier
Highlights•Many antiphage systems trigger regulated death of the infected cell.•Regulated
cell death protects the nearby population from the spread of infection.•Over 70% of …

[HTML][HTML] Microbial defenses against mobile genetic elements and viruses: Who defends whom from what?

EPC Rocha, D Bikard - PLoS biology, 2022 -
Prokaryotes have numerous mobile genetic elements (MGEs) that mediate horizontal gene
transfer (HGT) between cells. These elements can be costly, even deadly, and cells use …

PADLOC: a web server for the identification of antiviral defence systems in microbial genomes

LJ Payne, S Meaden, MR Mestre, C Palmer… - Nucleic acids …, 2022 -
Most bacteria and archaea possess multiple antiviral defence systems that protect against
infection by phages, archaeal viruses and mobile genetic elements. Our understanding of …