Making sense of human-food interaction
F Altarriba Bertran, S Jhaveri, R Lutz, K Isbister… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 -
Activity in Human-Food Interaction (HFI) research is skyrocketing across a broad range of
disciplinary interests and concerns. The dynamic and heterogeneous nature of this …
disciplinary interests and concerns. The dynamic and heterogeneous nature of this …
Playful human-food interaction research: State of the art and future directions
F Altarriba Bertran, D Wilde, E Berezvay… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 -
In response to calls for sense-making in the field of Human-Food Interaction, we offer a
systematic review of a subset of HFI works that we call Playful HFI-interventions that use …
systematic review of a subset of HFI works that we call Playful HFI-interventions that use …
Human-food interaction
Food is not only fundamental to our existence, its consumption, handling or even the mere
sight of its also brings us immense joy. Over the years, technology has played a crucial part …
sight of its also brings us immense joy. Over the years, technology has played a crucial part …
Arm-a-Dine: towards understanding the design of playful embodied eating experiences
There is an increasing trend in HCI on studying human-food interaction, however, we find
that most work so far seems to focus on what happens to the food before and during eating …
that most work so far seems to focus on what happens to the food before and during eating …
Exploring the design space for human-food-technology interaction: An approach from the lens of eating experiences
Embedded in everyday practices, food can be a rich resource for interaction design. This
article focuses on eating experiences to uncover how bodily, sensory, and socio-cultural …
article focuses on eating experiences to uncover how bodily, sensory, and socio-cultural …
Technology for situated and emergent play: A bridging concept and design agenda
F Altarriba Bertran, E Márquez Segura… - Proceedings of the 2020 …, 2020 -
Despite the capacity of play to spontaneously emerge in our daily life, the scope of
application of play design in HCI is generally narrower, specifically targeting areas of pure …
application of play design in HCI is generally narrower, specifically targeting areas of pure …
WeScream! toward understanding the design of playful social gustosonic experiences with ice cream
Prior psychology studies have shown that eating ice cream increases happiness, while
human-computer interaction work has shown that interactive technology can enrich the …
human-computer interaction work has shown that interactive technology can enrich the …
Towards experiencing eating as play
There is an increasing trend in HCI to combine eating and technology. We highlight the
potential of interactive technology to support an experiential perspective on eating, in …
potential of interactive technology to support an experiential perspective on eating, in …
ActuEating: Designing, studying and exploring actuating decorative artefacts
Actuating, dynamic materials offer substantial potential to enhance interior designs but there
are currently few examples of how they might be utilized or impact user experiences. As part …
are currently few examples of how they might be utilized or impact user experiences. As part …
The playful potential of digital commensality: learning from spontaneous playful remote dining practices
With one-person households being increasingly common and Covid-19 lockdown policies
forcing people to stay home, remote dining has become common practice for many, who …
forcing people to stay home, remote dining has become common practice for many, who …