Human papilloma virus probes for the diagnosis of cancer

M Chau, K Bisgaard-Franzen, J Lin… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
2005-08-30 Assigned to DAKOCYTOMATION DENMARK A/S reassignment

Aptamers to von Willebrand Factor and their use as thrombotic disease therapeutics

JL Diener, HAD Lagassé, C Benedict - US Patent 7,566,701, 2009 - Google Patents
the invention relates generally to the field of nucleic acids and more particularly to aptamers
capable of binding to von Willebrand Factor useful as therapeutics in and diagnostics of …

Methods for detection and characterization of atypical vessels in cervical imagery

S Venkataraman, W Li, UP Gustafsson - US Patent 8,090,177, 2012 - Google Patents
This invention relates to medical imaging and, more spe cifically, to the computer aided
detection and diagnosis of uterine cervical cancer and pre-cancerous lesions. The inven tion …

Aptamers to von Willebrand Factor and their use as thrombotic disease therapeutics

JL Diener, HAD Lagassé, C Benedict - US Patent 7,589,073, 2009 - Google Patents
US7589073B2 - Aptamers to von Willebrand Factor and their use as thrombotic disease
therapeutics - Google Patents US7589073B2 - Aptamers to von Willebrand Factor and their …

Aptamers to von Willebrand factor and their use as thrombotic disease therapeutics

JL Diener, HAD Lagasse, C Benedict - US Patent 7,998,940, 2011 - Google Patents
The invention relates generally to the field of nucleic acids and more particularly to aptamers
capable of binding to von Willebrand Factor useful as therapeutics in and diagnostics of …

Systems and methods for collection of cell clusters

P Gombrich, E Dimonte, E Eaton… - US Patent App. 11 …, 2006 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A cell collector and cell collection method are provided for collecting
clusters of cells for Subsequent analysis of the cells to screen for abnormalities. The cell …

Human papilloma virus probes for the diagnosis of cancer

MF Chau, K Bisgaard-Franzen, J Lin… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
In one embodiment, the invention relates to a method of detecting cervical cancer, and other
types of cancer, using a combination of at least three genomic clones, or fragments thereof …

Cervical acid phosphatase-papanicolaou (CAP-PAP) test kit, method and accesories, processes for producing and using the same

N Markovic, O Markovic - US Patent App. 10/339,760, 2004 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT Cervical Acid Phosphatase-Papanicolaou Test Kit (CPK) is an assembly of
reagents, controls and instructions for Visu alization of cervical acid phosphatase on Smears …

Systems and methods for detecting abnormal cells

W Maltzman, P Gombrich, E Dimonte… - US Patent App. 11 …, 2006 - Google Patents
Abstract Systems and methods of interrogating clusters of cells for two or more biological
markers that do not, or rarely, occur in the same cell during normal cellular growth …

vWF aptamer formulations and methods for use

J Gilbert, R Hutabarat, RG Schaub - US Patent App. 12/156,212, 2009 - Google Patents
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Cardiovascular
disease is a broad class of diseases that includes many different subsets of diseases. One …