[图书][B] Verification of Object-Oriented Software. The KeY Approach: Foreword by K. Rustan M. Leino

B Beckert, R Hähnle, PH Schmitt - 2007 - books.google.com
Long gone are the days when program veri? cation was a task carried out merely by hand
with paper and pen. For one, we are increasingly interested in proving actual program …

Beyond assertions: Advanced specification and verification with JML and ESC/Java2

P Chalin, JR Kiniry, GT Leavens, E Poll - … 1-4, 2005, Revised Lectures 4, 2006 - Springer
Many state-based specification languages, including the Java Modeling Language (JML),
contain at their core specification constructs familiar to most undergraduates: eg, assertions …

[图书][B] Modular specification and verification of object-oriented programs

P Müller - 2002 - Springer
In the last chapter, we explained how the functional behavior of methods can be specified
and verified. Specification of functional method behavior describes the result value and …

Object invariants in dynamic contexts

KRM Leino, P Müller - European Conference on Object-Oriented …, 2004 - Springer
Object invariants describe the consistency of object-oriented data structures and are central
to reasoning about the correctness of object-oriented software. Yet, reasoning about object …

Jass—Java with assertions

D Bartetzko, C Fischer, M Möller… - Electronic Notes in …, 2001 - Elsevier
Design by Contract, proposed by Meyer for the programming language Eiffel, is a technique
that allows run-time checks of specification violation and their treatment during program …

Modular invariants for layered object structures

P Müller, A Poetzsch-Heffter, GT Leavens - Science of Computer …, 2006 - Elsevier
Classical specification and verification techniques support invariants for individual objects
whose fields are primitive values, but do not allow sound modular reasoning about …

A unified framework for verification techniques for object invariants

S Drossopoulou, A Francalanza, P Müller… - ECOOP 2008–Object …, 2008 - Springer
Object invariants define the consistency of objects. They have subtle semantics because of
call-backs, multi-object invariants and subclassing. Several visible-state verification …

On a temporal logic for object-based systems

D Distefano, JP Katoen, A Rensink - … Distributed Systems IV: IFIP TC6/WG6 …, 2000 - Springer
This paper presents a logic, called BOTL (Object-Based Temporal Logic), that facilitates the
specification of dynamic and static properties of object-based systems. The logic is based on …

Verification of concurrent systems with VerCors

A Amighi, S Blom, S Darabi, M Huisman… - Formal Methods for …, 2014 - Springer
This paper presents the VerCors approach to verification of concurrent software. It first
discusses why verification of concurrent software is important, but also challenging. Then it …

Dynamic event generation for runtime checking using the JDI

M Brörkens, M Möller - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2002 - Elsevier
Approaches to runtime checking have to track the execution of a software system and
therefore have to deal with generating and processing execution events. Often these …