[图书][B] Domestication of Plants in the Old World: The origin and spread of domesticated plants in Southwest Asia, Europe, and the Mediterranean Basin
D Zohary, M Hopf, E Weiss - 2012 - books.google.com
The origin of agriculture is one of the defining events of human history. Some 11-10,000
years ago bands of hunter-gatherers started to abandon their high-mobility lifestyles in …
years ago bands of hunter-gatherers started to abandon their high-mobility lifestyles in …
Shepherds and karst: the use of caves and rock-shelters in the Mediterranean region during the Neolithic
DE Angelucci, G Boschian, M Fontanals… - World …, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Several Neolithic to Iron Age sites of the Mediterranean region contain
archaeological sediments, called fumiers, which are composed mainly of burnt animal dung …
archaeological sediments, called fumiers, which are composed mainly of burnt animal dung …
Local, intensive and diverse?: Early farmers and plant economy in the North-East of the Iberian Peninsula (5500-2300 cal BC)
F Antolín - Local, intensive and diverse?, 2016 - torrossa.com
The Neolithic period in the North-East of the Iberian Peninsula has received the attention of
many archaeologists during the XXth and XXIst centuries, from the earliest humanists like …
many archaeologists during the XXth and XXIst centuries, from the earliest humanists like …
[图书][B] The origins and spread of domestic animals in Southwest Asia and Europe
This volume tackles the fundamental and broad-scale questions concerning the spread of
early animal herding from its origins in the Near East into Europe beginning in the mid-10th …
early animal herding from its origins in the Near East into Europe beginning in the mid-10th …
Proposal for the systematic description and taphonomic study of carbonized cereal grain assemblages: a case study of an early Neolithic funerary context in the cave …
In this paper we propose a methodological systematisation for the qualitative and
quantitative characters and numerical description of carbonised cereal remains (basically …
quantitative characters and numerical description of carbonised cereal remains (basically …
Domestication of animals in the Iberian Peninsula
M Saña - The origins and spread of domestic animals in …, 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
The Iberian Peninsula has for several decades provided a wealth of evidence for studying
the origins of the Neolithic. Its location at the western end of the Mediterranean basin has …
the origins of the Neolithic. Its location at the western end of the Mediterranean basin has …
Chronique radiocarbone de la néolithisation en Méditerranée nord-occidentale
C Manen, P Sabatier - Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2003 - JSTOR
Cet article propose une discussion de la néolithisation de la Méditerranée nord-occidentale
à partir des données du radiocarbone. Pour cela, nous avons réuni un corpus de 471 …
à partir des données du radiocarbone. Pour cela, nous avons réuni un corpus de 471 …
[PDF][PDF] Tipos de cabañas ganaderas durante el Neolítico del País Vasco y zonas próximas
J Altuna, K Mariezkurrena - Archaeofauna, 2009 - revistas.uam.es
Hace veinticinco años, en el País Vasco, habían sido estudiadas 3 faunas de yacimientos
neolíticos, cifra que actualmente se eleva a 13. A estas se les han añadido otras 13 más …
neolíticos, cifra que actualmente se eleva a 13. A estas se les han añadido otras 13 más …
[PDF][PDF] Primeros datos sobre la utilización sepulcral de la Cueva de Can Sadurní (Begues, Baix Llobregat) en el Neolítico Cardial
A Blasco, M Edo, MJ Villalba, M Saña - III Congreso del Neolítico en …, 2005 - academia.edu
ANTECEDENTES La cueva de Can Sadurní se localiza en el centro del Macizo del Garraf,
en el término municipal de Begues, comarca del Baix Llobregat, distante unos 25 km al SW …
en el término municipal de Begues, comarca del Baix Llobregat, distante unos 25 km al SW …
[图书][B] Of cereals, poppy, acorns and hazelnuts: plant economy among early farmers (5500-2300 cal BC) in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula: an archaeobotanical …
F Antolín - 2014 - ddd.uab.cat
This dissertation aimed to answer several questions concerning plant food production in the
Neolithic (5400-2300 cal BC) in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula. The aims can be …
Neolithic (5400-2300 cal BC) in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula. The aims can be …