Real β-convergence of transition countries: Robust approach
M Próchniak, B Witkowski - Eastern European Economics, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The aim of the paper is to analyze whether there is and, possibly, how strong the gross
domestic product (GDP) β-convergence is in a group that includes most postcommunist …
domestic product (GDP) β-convergence is in a group that includes most postcommunist …
Do poverty and income inequality affect public debt?
E Aksman - Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of …, 2017 -
The aim of this paper is to capture the impact of poverty and income inequality on public
debt in European Union countries, providing for the dynamic nature of the response …
debt in European Union countries, providing for the dynamic nature of the response …
VAT gap determinants in the European Union and Poland
AM Pluskota - Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law, 2022 -
Motivation: VAT revenues constitute a significant part of the budgets of EU countries and
Poland. Both the EU and Poland are taking steps to reduce the VAT gap. To define the areas …
Poland. Both the EU and Poland are taking steps to reduce the VAT gap. To define the areas …
On the Stability of the Catching-Up Process Among Old and New EU Member States: Implications from Bayesian Model Averaging
M Próchniak, B Witkowski - Eastern European Economics, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
This paper analyzes the time stability of the real economic convergence in the European
Union. As a robustness check, the calculations are carried out for two groups of countries …
Union. As a robustness check, the calculations are carried out for two groups of countries …
On the evolution of corruption patterns in the post-communist countries
In this paper, we study the evolution of corruption patterns in 27 post-communist countries
during the period 1996-2012 using the Control of Corruption Index and the corruption …
during the period 1996-2012 using the Control of Corruption Index and the corruption …
Determinants of changes in fruit production in farms in areas with a fragmented agrarian structure
EJ Szymańska, M Rysz - Agriculture, 2022 -
The main aim of the research was to identify the factors influencing the production of fruit in a
region with a fragmented agrarian structure. The novelty of the article is taking into account …
region with a fragmented agrarian structure. The novelty of the article is taking into account …
The application of Bayesian model averaging in assessing the impact of the regulatory framework on economic growth
M Próchniak, B Witkowski - Baltic Journal of Economics, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The paper aims to assess the impact of regulations (measured by the Fraser Institute index
of economic freedom) on economic growth in the world as well as in EU and post-socialist …
of economic freedom) on economic growth in the world as well as in EU and post-socialist …
Metody pomiaru realnej konwergencji gospodarczej w ujęciu regionalnym i lokalnym. Konwergencja równoległa
P Wójcik - Metody pomiaru realnej konwergencji gospodarczej w …, 2018 -
W ogólnym znaczeniu konwergencj a jest nazywany proces, w którym pocz atkowo
niepodobne zjawiska lub obiekty z czasem upodabniaj a sie (zblizaj a sie) do siebie (łac …
niepodobne zjawiska lub obiekty z czasem upodabniaj a sie (zblizaj a sie) do siebie (łac …
[图书][B] Konwergencja w warunkach integracji gospodarczej: Grupa Wyszehradzka w globalnych łańcuchach wartości
M Grodzicki - 2018 -
Wyjaśnienie źródeł międzynarodowych nierówności gospodarczych pozostaje jednym z
głównych wyzwań ekonomii, pomimo licznych dokonań w zakresie teorii wzrostu …
głównych wyzwań ekonomii, pomimo licznych dokonań w zakresie teorii wzrostu …
Korupcja, jakość rządzenia a wzrost gospodarczy w krajach transformacji
In this article we use the modified Mauro (2002) theoretical framework to study the empirical
relationship between corruption and the rate of economic growth in post-communist …
relationship between corruption and the rate of economic growth in post-communist …