[图书][B] Time and its Adversaries in the Seleucid Empire

PJ Kosmin - 2018 - books.google.com
Winner of the Runciman Award Winner of the Charles J. Goodwin Award “Tells the story of
how the Seleucid Empire revolutionized chronology by picking a Year One and counting …

Greek (and our) Views on the Karians

A Herda - Luwian Identities, 2013 - brill.com
When the allied Greek forces under the command of Themistocles retreated from the
Persians after the sea battle at Cape Artemisium in 480 BCE, Themistocles gave them a …

[图书][B] Polis expansion and elite power in Hellenistic Karia

J LaBuff - 2015 - books.google.com
Polis Expansion and Elite Power in Hellenistic Karia rewrites the history of the region, which
has traditionally been seen as dominated by empires and home to communities whose …

Studies in Lycian and Carian phonology and morphology

A Kloekhorst - 2009 - degruyter.com
When investigating (historical) morphological issues in a certain language, it is of paramount
importance to have a good understanding of the phonology of that language. In works …

[图书][B] L'imaginaire du démoniaque dans la Septante: Une analyse comparée de la notion de “démon” dans la Septante et dans la Bible Hébraïque

A Angelini - 2021 - library.oapen.org
This book offers a thorough analysis of demons in the Hebrew Bible and Septuagint in the
wider context of the ancient Near East and the Greek world. Taking a fresh and innovative …

[PDF][PDF] La double citoyenneté dans le cadre des koina grecs: l'exemple du koinon achéen

AD Rizakis - Patrie d'origine et patries électives: les citoyennetés …, 2012 - helios-eie.ekt.gr
Si la forme dominante d'organisation politique du monde grec est celle des poleis, cette
même forme servit, dès l'époque classique, d'élément de base à la création d'une nouvelle …

Names in EPM-in Southern Asia Minor. A contribution to the cultural history of Ancient Lycia

J Balzat - 2014 - ora.ox.ac.uk
This contribution begins with the discussion of a new reading for the name of a dedicant of
a< Lycian> Twelve Gods relief, published in LGPN VB (2013). An analysis of the distribution …

[HTML][HTML] Mylasa et l'identité carienne

D Aubriet - Publications de l'Institut Français d'Études …, 2013 - persee.fr
En 1983, à Istanbul, à l'occasion de la grande exposition consacrée aux Civilisations
anatoliennes, le département dédié aux différentes écritures révèle au monde entier que …

Networks of Rhodians in Karia

R Bremen - Mediterranean Historical Review, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
The extent and chronology of Rhodian domination in south-western Karia are becoming
better understood as more inscriptions come to light. Much of it pre-dates Rome's granting of …

[HTML][HTML] Carian identity and Carian language

IJ Adiego Lajara - Publications de l'Institut Français d'Études …, 2013 - persee.fr
The recent decipherment of Carian has revealed that the Carian script and language is one
of the most remarkable traits of Carian identity1. However, the scope of this source of …