Smart insoles review (2008-2021): Applications, potentials, and future

I Almuteb, R Hua, Y Wang - Smart Health, 2022 - Elsevier
During the past decade, smart insole-like devices become more and more popular in daily
applications, such as gait studies, activity recognition, health monitoring and evaluation …

Validity of instrumented insoles for step counting, posture and activity recognition: a systematic review

AM Ngueleu, AK Blanchette, D Maltais, H Moffet… - Sensors, 2019 -
With the growing interest in daily activity monitoring, several insole designs have been
developed to identify postures, detect activities, and count steps. However, the validity of …

Classifying sitting, standing, and walking using plantar force data

KJ Merry, E Macdonald, M MacPherson, O Aziz… - Medical & Biological …, 2021 - Springer
Prolonged static weight-bearing at work may increase the risk of developing plantar fasciitis
(PF). However, to establish a causal relationship between weight-bearing and PF, a low-cost …

A portable plantar pressure system: Specifications, design, and preliminary results

M Ostaszewski, J Pauk… - Technology and Health …, 2020 -
BACKGROUND: In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in developing in-
shoe foot plantar pressure systems. Although such devices are not novel, devising insole …

Foot Motion-Based Falling Risk Evaluation for Patients with Parkinson's Disease

R Hua - 2022 -
Parkinson's disease (PD) affects motor functionalities, which are closely associated with
increased risks of falling and decreased quality of life. However, there is no easy-to-use …

Feet first: Developing instrumented insoles to prove association between weight bearing and foot pain

E Macdonald - 2019 -
It is commonly thought that more time spent weight bearing at work increases the risk of
developing plantar fasciitis, a condition causing pain on the bottom of the foot. This link is not …

[PDF][PDF] Développement et étude de la validité d'une semelle instrumentée pour le comptage de pas

A Ngueleu - 2019 -
Résumé Les semelles instrumentées sont des dispositifs pouvant être utilisées pour la
quantification de pas et la reconnaissance des activités. Il existe plusieurs modèles de …

Achieving Wellness by Monitoring the Gait Pattern with Behavioral Intervention for Lifestyle Diseases

N Sathe, A Hiwale - Fourth International Congress on Information and …, 2020 - Springer
Obesity is becoming one of the prevalent lifestyle diseases across the globe; need to be
deal with behavioral intervention through self-management and motivation in line with …

[引用][C] Smart Health

I Almuteb, R Hua, Y Wang