Critical phenomena at perfect and non-perfect surfaces

M Pleimling - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 2004 -
In the past, perfect surfaces have been shown to yield local critical behaviour that differs
from bulk critical behaviour. On the other hand, surface defects, whether they are of natural …

Interface Localization-Delocalization in a Double Wedge: A New Universality Class<? format?> with Strong Fluctuations and Anisotropic Scaling

A Milchev, M Müller, K Binder, DP Landau - Physical review letters, 2003 - APS
Using Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling methods we study “wetting” in Ising
systems in a L× L× L y pore with quadratic cross section. Antisymmetric surface fields H s act …

Wedge filling, cone filling and the strong-fluctuation regime

AO Parry, AJ Wood, C Rascón - Journal of Physics: Condensed …, 2001 -
Interfacial fluctuation effects occurring at wedge-and cone-filling transitions are investigated
and shown to exhibit very different characteristics. For both geometries we argue that the …

Wedge covariance for two-dimensional filling and wetting

AO Parry, MJ Greenall, AJ Wood - Journal of Physics: Condensed …, 2002 -
A comprehensive theory of interfacial fluctuation effects occurring at two-dimensional wedge
(corner) filling transitions in pure (thermal disorder) and impure (random bond disorder) …

Wetting of nanopatterned surfaces: The striped surface

M Schneemilch, N Quirke… - The Journal of chemical …, 2003 -
We report an extensive set of results for the wetting of striped nanopatterned surfaces by
simple fluids. Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations are used to investigate the validity of …

Thermal fluctuations of an interface near a contact line

D Belardinelli, M Sbragaglia, M Gross, B Andreotti - Physical Review E, 2016 - APS
The effect of thermal fluctuations near a contact line of a liquid interface partially wetting an
impenetrable substrate is studied analytically and numerically. Promoting both the interface …

Statistical mechanics of fluids adsorbed in planar wedges: Finite contact angle

JR Henderson - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2004 - APS
I consider the statistical mechanics of inhomogeneous fluids applied to fluids adsorbed in
planar wedges. Exact results are described that belong to an infinite subset of models …

Drumhead model of 2D wetting, filling and wedge covariance

DB Abraham, AO Parry, AJ Wood - Europhysics Letters, 2002 -
Recent work has demonstrated novel fluid interfacial behaviour occurring at filling or wedge-
wetting transitions in two-and three-dimensional systems. In particular, in two dimensions …

The trouble with critical wetting

AO Parry, C Rascón - Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2009 - Springer
A long-standing problem in condensed-matter physics concerns the nature of the critical
wetting transition in three-dimensional systems with short-ranged forces. The controversy …

Universal phase boundary shifts for corner wetting and filling

AO Parry, AJ Wood, E Carlon, A Drzewiński - Physical Review Letters, 2001 - APS
The phase boundaries for corner wetting (filling) in square and diagonal lattice Ising models
are exactly determined and show a universal shift relative to wetting near the bulk criticality …