[图书][B] Investigating the use of action research and activity theory to promote the professional development of teachers in Iceland

H Thorgeirsdottir - 2016 - search.proquest.com
This thesis investigates the use of action research and activity theory to promote the
professional development of teachers in an Icelandic upper secondary school. The purpose …

[PDF][PDF] Starfshættir í framhaldsskólum Markmið og framkvæmd rannsóknar

GG Óskarsdóttir - 2016 - menntavisindastofnun.hi.is
Rannsóknin Starfshættir í framhaldsskólum, rannsóknarverkefni 2012–2018, er
samstarfsverkefni stórs hóps rannsakenda, bæði kennara og nemenda við Menntavísinda …